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Madara Uchiha

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Everything posted by Madara Uchiha

  1. From now on this profile is claimed and owned by me and I need the whole world to know I need it known for Im Madara you feel me yes you feel me.

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      Really? But...What does that make me? :O

    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Fix your profile engrave my name I see your profile already CLAIMED BY MADARA UCHIHA CPYRIGHT 2012 XOXOXO

    3. King Riku
  2. Really bad people could just get mods and auto tap lol.
  3. I feel the trolling in your heart.

    1. Jim


      I know dat feel bro

    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Just posted a status about you right now :3

  4. Lmao great minds think alike. Thanks for liking everything I say xDD
  5. What is wrong with dem Poke Rivals how come they don't have an attitude or what not?They get worse every game.

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      not there yet up to the part where bianca shows that mouse pokemon.

    2. King Riku

      King Riku

      Oh, in the hidden hollows?

    3. Madara Uchiha
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. Keeps posting statuses like a baws.

  7. IMO Obama isn't really that good but if Romney got in control m not sure if any of the countries would ever like us.

  8. Sandy is your mamma.

  9. Im stll trying to figure out my role in this site or title it bothers medldfgd

  10. I have barely any boy-friend's on this site ._.

  11. Now that m still recognized as Chidori it hurts being Madara T-T


    1. Setting Sun<3

      Setting Sun<3

      wait what


      is that you owo


      xD glad you like the icon

    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Yes its me except im perfect now!

  13. I tried to customize my profile pro-hollow style like Shana did but idk how to make the letters orange and etc

  14. Hurrican and Madara? Bxtch plz I make hurricanes.

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Omg the <3 it hurts even more I don't need your sympathy </3 I will avenge myself soon.

    2. Shana09
    3. Shana09


      uh huh sure whatever u say

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. We New Yorkers are tough : D! No need to worry!

    1. Shana09


      damn straight xD

      we so good we cant die

  16. All these spongebob jokes about Sandy <3

    1. Shana09


      I call it Sandy Cheeks xD

  17. If kh13 was set up like facebook it would be great IMO

    1. Col.Random


      if facebook was set up like kh13 THAT would be great

    2. FireRubies1


      ^ I would love that.

      Imagine a section where all your drama llama friends posts the statuses no one cares about.... you don't have to look at them again >:D

    3. Col.Random


      more importanatly the "show last 5 visitors" thing would really identify all the stalkers >:D

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. 72 Notifications NEW RECORD!

    1. FireRubies1


      I think my highest was 300 something...

    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Im aiming for the stars!

  19. I got Pokemon Black 2 am I now officially Shana-Approved? :D

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      I doubt it most pokemon games are easy but I have heard a few friends say it is rage alot. But seriously pokemon is NEVER HARD well except the elite four e.e

    2. theultimatesorafan
    3. Shana09


      nope this game is really difficult

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  20. Im so rusty in pokemon. Why is my rival called Hugh what the glitch? Change that.I will call him Dark. So much better.

  21. I finally... got it. Madara Uchiha has obtained POKEMON BLACK 2 YES YES YES!ULTIMATE PERFECTION.

    1. VanitasisKirby


      YOU LUCKY D:

      Enjoy it~

  22. Saycet-We Walk Fast.

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