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Madara Uchiha

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Everything posted by Madara Uchiha

  1. Ok what do you think of the Anime/Manga, try to sum it up in one word. I'd say... "friendship" He still can't beat me though.
  2. I thought Chief Keef was your profile picture for a second... xD

    1. 4Everbee


      Lol nope. It's from Teen wolf.

  3. Your profile is beautiful

    1. Marley_Aqua_33


      Thank you. ^^


      (Ahah. Perfect timing. I have been watching Naruto this afternoon.)

    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Really what arc are you on?

    3. Marley_Aqua_33


      I am in season 8.


      The episode where Naruto, under a bridge, tells Sasuke (after Sasuke defeats Dango) that he will bring him back or they will die together and Naruto starts telling his memories when he was a little kid and why the village didn't like him.

  4. That moment when you buy an imported game and you realized you spent loads of money to get a game earlier.

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Yeah, that's different. As of now I'm not sure if the game will be out in US or not

    2. 4Everbee


      But it was worth it.

    3. Shulk


      Hopefully you didn't need to import a console too if it's a region locked one... I'm glad I didn't import a PS2 back before Final Mix was confirmed to be used in KH1.5

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. You seem very friendly ;o according to your profile.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      -cuddles- ^///^ Yes new friend FTW.

    3. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      -cuddles- ^///^ Yes new friend FTW.

    4. Anonn0000


      *put's a daisy crown on Uchiha's head* :) ^_^

      Fwendly fwends ^-^

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  6. So yeah I'm bored, and can't make this autoplay thing work.

    1. Iamkingdomhearts1000


      I can stall you heh heh



    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      "You have no chance of going against a perfect being, leave now and you can live. I won't let that happen anyway"

    3. Iamkingdomhearts1000


      perfect? all you do is use people, think very badly of both reality and people and your going so far as to betray your younger brother Izuna just to get something that's all for you, you say you won't let that happen? we'll just see about that.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Ok so this chapter was just basically Kishimoto wrapping up Obito vs Kakashi because probably he felt he needed to get things into pace. So he dropped Obito as well. I mean Obito isn't even going to use Rinne Tensei of his own will. He is going to die pathetic. Did you see Minato's exclamation mark by the way. I wonder what he was thinking. Anyways, I'd like to hear your opinions on 636!
  8. You should try Samurai Brides, maybe Bakegomonotari, Panty and Stocking. Highschool DxD
  9. Dat fresh knuckles theme. That's what I'm talking about #SONICADVENTURE

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Weedanort




      I saw that you have autoplay=1


      There's the & missing


      You have to add &autoplay=1 to the end of the URL

    3. Madara Uchiha
    4. Weedanort
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  10. I'm trying to fix up my About me, this is going to take a while though I did make a few changes.

  11. I got Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" on repeat on my iPod it's too good ;/

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      I've never heard such beauty in my life ;_;

    2. Javelin434


      I got plenty of romance songs, but this is one of the more fun types xD it's awesome

    3. Vexen's Shadow

      Vexen's Shadow

      after maybe two time i would be annoyed lol good song though

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. I swear I'll stay on the site this time... Bleh.

  13. I don't know why my mom transferred my number to a basic phone... I loved my android.

  14. Everytime I try to return to these forums I fail ;_; why don't I ever stay omg.

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      I'm a superhuman then ;D

    2. Shera Wizard
    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      but cloud is superhuman and its because he took drugs...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. So like, I don't usually come to this site but when I do I always check your profile first or Shana's I guess .-. but that song you have here is amazin~

    1. Weiss
    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      I added you on Skype btw.

  16. I'm back for 2 minutes. K bye.

    1. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      WelCome back

      See you soon

  17. Anyone interested in buying my KH 1.5 Im selling it pretty low :P

  18. Its great I have KH 1.5 but what to cover :(

    1. Blake


      trophy list? :/

  19. I only come here for the song. Swag.

    1. Shana09


      its beautiful isn't it

  20. Everytime I tell someone my name is Aladin they're like OMG where is your Jasmine -_-.

  21. *Buys KH From NapanYisson* In 2 minutes order is already in process *PRE ORDERS FROM NIN-NIN* Stll nothing...

  22. This is very random but I like your usage of vocabulary, very proper.

    1. Oishii


      Oh, thanks. I've written so many papers over the years it has done weird things to how I write xD

    2. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      No problem you have earned my full respect I like people who speak with class.

  23. So did anyone else bother to buy the game? : )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darkchaser


      just ordered thanks to the link oishii gave :D

    3. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      Yeah, same here I cancelled my play-asia order thanks to Oishii.

    4. Oishii


      Don't thank me. Thank Churro. He tweeted about it so I copied him xD

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