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Everything posted by Moni_22

  1. I guess it depends of the person. For example I have two older brothers. One sees the games I play as childish (like Pokémon or Kirby, even KH), but the other, who is the oldest, doesn't look at them like that, for him they are games like any other. And they both played the same games as kids. So yeah, it depends of the person. In my case, I doubt I'll ever get tired of playing though
  2. One word: Pokémon, it's been there since I can remember, and that place can never be taken.
  3. Well you need more practice. But it's not bad. You are on the good track.
  4. I imagine this would be the message when I saw the title, I'm mad that I was right... I'm really sorry for the loss. I've never experienced the loss of a cousin, but I did see my grandpa's death and I didn't get to meet my other grandpa and grandma, I know it's very hard, and I feel really sad when I think that it won't be the last time I see it. I hope your mom gets better, and sorry for the loss, may he rest in peace.
  5. One per franchise... well, I can give my fav from each franchise or just a game that I like, but no order, because I just can't - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky (DS) - Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (PSP) - The World Ends With You (DS) - Okami (PS2 / Wii) - Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (Wii) - Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita) - Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros (3DS) - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies (3DS) - Tales of Graces f (PS3) You see, most of them are from portable consoles If it wasn't one per franchise I would probably put others in it. I may have forgotten someone, oh well But I really love those.
  6. I don't know. But please, Ghirahim, come to us! Why don't they announce it already?! It has to be him! GHIRAHIIIIIIM Sorry, fangirl attack.
  7. Me too x3 And Spiky Eared Pichu is my fave!
  8. Thank you ^^ I wanted to make one of my characters, but decided to try something more simple first
  9. I know it's very simple, but it's my first animation and I'm so happy and proud
  10. Mmm... I find it a bit complicated to put that in just one game. I think the Lost Masters are from the past, not the future. I hope we don't have to see more of that time travel, at least if it's not necesary
  11. I would like it, as a connection between P4 and P5. I always wanted a sequel of P4 with Nanako as the main character, kinda like P2 Eternal Punishment
  12. Let me guess, that brother kidnapped Sora between KH3D and KH3 and he disguised himself as Sora, and then at the end of the game we realize that he's not the real Sora. The real Sora appears, and the brother, who has defeated Xehanort, ends up being the true final boss. Good enough?
  13. Yeah, it would be great. I would really like to do that. .... .... .... It won't happen though. I will watch a playthrough when the japanese version comes out
  14. I have Pokemon Y, KH3D, Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros, Tomodachi Life, Kirby Triple Deluxe and Fire Emblem Awakening. I LOVE them all. And there are also other 3DS games that I love but I couldn't bought like Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, Kid Icarus Uprising, the two Layton games... and there are lots of other great games that I don't really like but people seem to love. Oh, I also bought HarmoKnight, a downloadable, rhythm game by Game Freak, it's a bit short but really fun and the last phases are DIFFICULT, like, I had to do the last phase about 100 times to complete it one time, talk about desperation
  15. I think it would be more interesting if Lea tells him about his past and the other members that he knows, that they were not bad people and they lived in Radiant Garden, where Kairi is from.
  16. I was with Germany since this World Cup began so... Though I don't mind if Argentina wins.
  17. She has that face But she's a good cat. She never cause problems, she's very quiet and never bites or anything. The nicest cat I've ever had.
  18. Thank you ^^ I also love her blue eyes. She had a kitty a month ago and he has the same eyes. Look: I'm sad that we are going to give him to my friend, I wish I could keep him
  19. There's actually a few OVAs if you wanna see them. I think there are 10 or 11 right now. Watch them, they have better quality than the anime and you can skip a bit of the manga. If you don't watch the OVAs -> chapter 144 If you watch the OVAs -> chapter 189
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