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Everything posted by Moni_22

  1. A lot When I was playing in January, it took until April or so to change them. And I don't know how much time they were there before I started playing during that time. But it's good to get them, you can at least use them to level up other cards.
  2. Not many new things in the trailer, but YESSSSSSSSSS I love the questionaire!
  3. Have some faith, in my view Gates to Infinity was a test to move from DS to 3DS. Now that they had that experienced, they must have worked really hard on this one to ensure it will be as great as the first two ones.
  4. Well, I'm not sure if it can be considered two since I'm only here while studying, but if I include the apartment I'm currently in while I'm on the university then two.
  5. Yes, that's what I wanna say Not only we haven't seem them doing a lot but we don't even know its members. I think the members is the important factor... I hope we get some shocking members in KH3
  6. Surpassing PMD2's story will be veeery difficult, but at least I expect a deep, emotional story. And yeah, I would like some references, Latios and Latias for example could be the same ones as PMD1.
  7. I think I want Fennekin and Froakie, to have new Pokemon
  8. Yeah, there's only Pikachu and Riolu for extras. Eevee, Vulpix, Axew, Skitty... those are gone... At least Eevee and Zorua por example would have been cool.
  9. Yes, it's sad that the quiz is no more... It was frustrating when you wanted a specific Pokémon, but it was so cool...
  10. I'm hyped with this new trailer! It doesn't reveal too much but at least it looks like it'll be better than Gates to Infinity First, there's gonna be MUCH MORE playable Pokémon (you and your partner I mean), and also all Pokémon are gonna be here. It also seems like the legendary Pokémon are gonna play an important role. I could translate some lines, Lombre says that "Pokémon are turning into stone lately", Latios simply says "You can do it, Latias!", and Dialga seems to say something like the Moon is gone? Of course, Pikachu is saying "Could it be... I've turned into a Pokémon?! I don't fully understand what Piplup said, but it's something along the lines that they can't be an official team because they are kids. So maybe that's a plot point at the beginning. Also, maybe minor detail but... THEY WEAR SCARFS AND RIBBONS, finally. Anyway, this made my day soo much. It's gonna be in Japan in September, but there's no official date for USA or Europe yet.
  11. Yeah, well since it began to say "Was it me?" I thought it would be about the Bite. Anyway.. NIGHTMAREEE
  12. You know.... The right eye has a 87 in it.
  13. Well I thought maybe they both would be Masters at the end. It wasn't a shock or anything, but I guess I was a bit surprised
  14. Since they always portray her as a black-haired KH1 Kairi, I suppose it's gonna stay like that
  15. What? Have you ever played DDD? Even, Ienzo, Dilan and Aeleus came back as well. We can also imagine that maybe Demyx, Marluxia, Luxord and Larxene's Somebodies came back as well, though as they must be in another world we may not see them.
  16. While I see you point, I agree with clatter411, I think their purpose was complete in KH2, and bringing them back is a mistake. Or is it? Well, in my opinion, if they can manage to create an scenario where they are useful to the story, I don't mind having them appear. But if it's just going to be like in DDD... no thanks. I mean, what was the point in DDD for Roxas and Xion appearing before Sora? Just to have a sad scene? Sora doesn't even know who Xion is, NOBODY does in fact. And the stuff with Roxas? I was like "Yeah, yeah, we know that you suffered a lot... You want Sora to feel sorry for you or what?" Also, about the death topic. I also dislike death, especially in a game like this. If it's a symbolic death like Eraqus and Xion it's ok I guess, but to have one character die because someone has to die... I don't like that. But Roxas, Naminé and Xion, they are alive. And it's not like they're sobbing or anything. Like clatter411 said, at the end of KH2... they are smiling to each other, they are happy to be in their real bodies. And Xion's case... I prefer not saying much because I dislike the character, but I think she served her purpose. What do you mean by "The Organization members (that aren't Lea, Isa, or Braig) died, they all served their purpose."? I wanted to talk about that too. First, they're not dead... Like the ones you mentioned they returned in DDD. And I was gonna say, Axel also died and served his purpose in KH2, but I think it's not bad that he returned. First, because it makes sense... I mean they said that if the Nobody and Heartless disappear the original self is reborn just to have Xehanort return, so it had to be applied with the others. Second, because they can be useful and interesting characters, especially since they were antagonists, but now they are different. I'm not fond of Lea having a keyblade, but again, if it becomes an important plotpoint in KH3, I'm ok with it. But yeah, that's it, I mean right now we have no clue how these characters are going to be used in KH3. All we can do is hope that our personal theories are correct, but no one knows it. I don't care if Roxas, Naminé, Xion or whoever returns if they are going to be useful and will have some meaning in it. Just hope for a likeable story with a satisfying ending.
  17. I played a lot when I was a kid, football and tennis especially. Not anymore though... maybe one day if I want to...
  18. I hope this time they include ALL Pokemon and please, be better than Gates to Infinity. At least, try to be better than that one, I don't know if anything can be better than Explorers of Sky, but at least I want another PMD with a great story and cast, and a lot of things to do, with extras after the game.
  19. I at least would prefer if he doesn't go with Sora or Riku, I don't see him the type of guy who would go in groups Depends on what he wants to do of course, but I think he just wants to learn how to use the Keyblade and be on his way.
  20. I'm already playing it in japanese, but yeah, it would be great to have it in english Plus, that way there would be many more players. You are welcome in Vulpes :biggrin:
  21. Yes, but more than one. I couldn't live without them...
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