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About baustinize

  • Birthday 09/15/1992

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  1. i know it is super cliched but this scene is incredible. its the emotional high point in this game. the graphics music and emotion combine for greatness. like i said super cliched but it shouldnt be left off any of these kind of lists.
  2. the reason i think there will be is because the life of this generation is running slim and nomura wanted to put kh3 on current hardware so something has to be shown
  3. what games do you want in the hd collection i want bbs kh1 and 2
  4. the only answer for all the internets questions... trolls
  5. most people do but it belongs with sony its where it all started. plus the xbox might need multiple disks just like it did with ff xiii and la noire
  6. i liked kh 3d but i really think its about time to make a bigger game there has yet to be one on the ps3 and they could put a ton of stuff in a ps3 game. the numbered games are so much bigger which is what im waiting for
  7. as soon as the games suffered from it i wouldnt buy it. its been such a huge gap between 2 and 3 that if it doesnt come out soon there ll be angry faces
  8. this series has so many side plots i suppose they could do whatever they wanted
  9. BBSV2 how would they do that exactly terra is xehanort now aqua is in RoD and ven doesnt have a heart. unless somehow they save one of the three to save the other two and even then the story might be a little weird.
  10. i would go with kefka because he didnt really care about anything and wanted pure destruction. but sephiroth is up there because the sword
  11. dah it needs to come out to america i stopped following it about the time i heard there was not an american release date
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