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Everything posted by EdeaKramer

  1. in my opinion it is really cheap to use codes for serious gaming
  2. Great quality! anyways good job, it took me half an hour to find out how to finish this battle, LOL
  3. i don't see why the secret boss fights are not canon, we haven't seen the guys talking a lot about stuff like that at all in the games...
  4. u don't see why square would make a Versus XIII announcement while it still is in production for the Japanese version
  5. the summer will bring all the wise answers i do hope eraqus would come back though
  6. if you would at least tell the "plot-hole"
  7. an older interview stated from another person (i don't remember the name anymore) stated that it would be impossible to make everyone satisfied with a re-make because they would cut loads of areas, and i also would be pissed if it would get a re-make, they are farming it way to much, besides that they send the message that only FF VII, X and XIII their good games are this way
  8. Terranort still is a mystery but we can expect him being one of the cloaked figures
  9. Long-range filled command deck and your best shotlock oh and also make sure that you dodge a lot
  10. tag this as a spoiler, you talk about the vessels it was explained because xehanort needed a heart of pure light and darkness, thus he split ventus' heart and thus could start his plan to forge the X-blade Xehanort knew that his plan in BBS would fail, it was his primary goal to get a new body, it would be easier for him if ventus and aqua would be gone too his plan that has bene revealed in 3D is a lot bigger, it will be his last plan though
  11. nope but now that the new pokémon will be for 3DS too i might be buying it, I don't want to borrow my cousin's 3DS countless times
  12. officially they say that terra is just power hungry but it obvious has to do with emotional issues in some sense though, he is a bit power hungry
  13. you gave a point.. it is is unclear for most of the part though, I want to analyse t with the official english version probably this will be brought up in the newt installment though I think Sora hadn't told anyone (at least on-screen, maybe he did tell everyone) because he still needs to place it, it obvious was a shocking point for Sora to find this out
  14. http://edeakramer.tumblr.com/post/21565855503 it is a bit long but it mostly tells the continuing story of the whole franchise, no details of the specific worlds...
  15. you have high hopes lol KH3 sure will come out on a console, not on a handheld it would be crazy to do duo releases, if a game would not sell good in Japan, they would not bring it to the rest of the world, this wish is just insane
  16. the slight hints of skin at least distracted me ;___;
  17. TAG THIS AS SPOILERS and YMX isn't from an alternative universe, he got tasked with the duty to collect everyone from Ansem SoD
  18. simply no, kingdom hearts isn't a series where the protagonist would die
  19. i think we can say reaction commands already had the same concept
  20. i really hope it get's translated soon, thanks for posting these scans already
  21. please tag this as a spoiler this for all other people
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