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Everything posted by EdeaKramer

  1. i never said it is impossible, nothing is impossiblebut i am really skeptic by how long it takes to actually develop hard- and software to enhance the 3DS
  2. ofc but the fact that there still aren't cards like the r4 cards and consorts for the 3ds, there hasn't been found an emulator for 3DS etc. makes me really skeptic that it would be easy
  3. probably impossible due to anti piracy actions
  4. maybe on a few occasions, dual wielding made everything way to easy and looking at the boss battles from 3D the difficulty level raised a lot..
  5. you're completely rightthere isn't enough data to determine who the lights are actually
  6. random OST's atm mostly Somnus from the versus trailers on playback though
  7. get his pattern, make sure you dodge a lot and have patience, i had to wait 10minutes before attacking him again some times but then it was kinda easy...
  8. am i the only who is really bothered how they keep Sora's voice the same in every game? He still sounds like the kid from KH1 Riku tough sounds a bit more mature ._.
  9. maleficent is still working on her schemes
  10. my cousin shall be happy but i think there will be something announced later too
  11. ofc but to me it was the final motivation it would be strange SE would announce something about it without a real public announcement of the announcement, it wouldn't be so simple to just let the invitation get leaked for example
  12. the fact they spelled announcement wrong busted it for me ;__;
  13. not to be harsh or something but why didn't you dithered it?
  14. funny i wrote partly the same theory on tumblr a while ago though i i am sure Lea is one of the protectors, the seven lights are the princesses who we already know but they get protected by the keyblade wielders Terra couldn't be a protector in his circumstances, it would be weird if Xehanort would have let him go
  15. they already showed the keyblade wielder. Kairi though i think it more points towards ventus
  16. probably money issues the manga is really far behind the progress of the games though
  17. his character model looked more like Saïx in bbs for some reason... it is logical they would use an old one to win some time
  18. he learned to summon it but he could not use KH until he had the X-blade, the purple ball was just to summon it
  19. they would still like him but in a different way, evil guys just are attractive to most fandoms
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