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Everything posted by EdeaKramer

  1. idc tbh, this game is all about farming money with dlc tbh
  2. seriously i never have experienced problems with the camera at all :')
  3. KH3D has a lot of new concepts with the drop gauge and the flowmotion and the humongous maps and as most people know, most people in this economy don't like change KH3D might even be the best game, it is just too innovative for most people to see past the changes
  4. riku always is sexy I EXPLODED
  5. what a bad management if they can't bring copies immediately, they shall lose quite some money from this
  6. you can let a wii modded basically everywhere for games just google ... for wii trustful torrent sites like demonoid are the best to download though
  7. i hope for square that this is not the only thing they will say about versus to make up for all the panic and shit
  8. 100% betekent dat je alles hebt gedaan, de side quests, alle dream eaters, alle abilities, etc. ik weet niet hoe je exp walker krijgt echter, khwiki heeft het ook nog niet, misschien als je op een moeilijker level speelt dat je het direct hebt? de tijd die je spendeert aan game play is voor iedereen anders, als je puur en alleen het verhaal volgt zal je wel een stuk onder de voorgestelde tijd zitten..
  9. but we have seen that xehanort got the upperhand somewhere in those 10 yearsit has been the essence of the KH1 and 2, and it has been shown in 3D that xehanort got the upperhand i think terra shall be fought and at the end he is saved, KH doesn't seem like a game were they would do such sacrifices
  10. eraqus' heart was protecting him yes, but it already has been shown that eraqus couldn't protect terra completely by the actions of terranort... post-KH1eraqus might be the key though to actually save terra at the end i would certainly love to see that, and it is possible with how they did BBS and 3D
  11. terra is member is xehanorts army, that is quite obvious, ofc they need to find aqua before they can find ventus because only aqua can navigate castle oblivion i have hopes for kairi being playable, maybe they will to the same as they did with BBS or so idk, lea also might be playable though... i mostly wonder how long it shall take until KH3 starts it's production, Nomura probably needs to sort his story out (as far he does it...), make some concepts, let disney crush the concepts and come up with a new concept for the world i think that we mostly shall see radiant garden, TWTNW, traverse town and the worlds of the princesses because they will be crucial for xehanort
  12. i do think the bosses are stronger in some way, but that is to compensate with all the new and cool abilities you learn in the game
  13. " The game would be much more interesting if all the characters died as the game went on. Each death more gruesome than the last. Such as the Justin bieber lookalike main character getting disarmed by Scrooge McDuck and getting his bowls split allover the floor by his own trusty keyblade. Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/games/905488-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance-review-oh-mickey#ixzz20yP5nc2O" the comments say enough of the site +.+
  14. i think they should, marijuana doesn't has that addictive as other drugs have besides it also is a really good medicine, there are doctors who actually prescribe it as a medicine for people who have chronic pain, making it somewhat legal for them to use actually (at least that is the case here, though very rare) besides legalizing drugs would be way better in a controlled matter, in the Netherlands you could go to coffeshops for years to get your soft drugs and this year they started to bring in a pass so that only dutch people could get some more, the result now is that there is dealt way more drugs on the streets there what also has the effect of getting sold hard drugs, drug dealers are just of that kind to offer you heavier stuff in the hope you get addicted and they can get more money from you i think a lot of people actually start drugs in rebellion, it is against the law so they start with it and then the downwards negative spiral, there would be nothing cool about taking drugs when it is legal to a lot of people, and you must remember that most addictions start small, so probably the effect will be that there will be used less drugs.
  15. kinda ignorant to act like everyone is the same.....
  16. you're over analyzing, we don't know where Eraqus and Yen Sid originate from too
  17. i think some dream eaters have a regular nightmare, and stronger nightmare not sure though
  18. you could say though KH3D makes him look like a fool in BBS...
  19. i know what i talk about ofc PS3 has a lot of possibilities, KH1 actually had really bad graphics for the PS2 it is not because they can upgrade FFX they also can do it with KH, and if it is possible, why would it need to be necessary? do you play a RPG only for some pretty graphics? I always thought RPG's where focused on the story and battle system though.........
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