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Everything posted by EdeaKramer

  1. we don't know all of the darknesses, the already confirmed ones are Master Xehanort Young Master Xehanort Xemnas Ansem SoD Braig/Xigbar Isa Terranort (well not really confirmed yet but it is sure he is one too) to be confirmed to be confirmed to be confirmed to be confirmed to be confirmed to be confirmed for the seven lights there is quite some confusing though, some people say it are the keyblade wielders (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Lea, Ventus, Aqua) while others say it are the princessespersonally i say both: the princesses counted up with the keyblade wielders adds up 13 people, coincidence much? for more information about my theory i suggest you read my more in-depth writing on tumblr
  2. of course aqua will be needed in order to wake up ventus, as the secret ending hints at it somewhat c: and finally someone who also thinks terra's faith isn't that bright, though i think he will be saved at the furthest end so we will we see them at the ending or so
  3. i know that, and you have a point but in the end we never have seen the keyhole of Destiny Islands to be sealed again, in the end it also returned after it got swallowed by the darkness; something we haven't seen from other worlds alsothe answer on your question about what is the 7th keyhole probably won't be answered until the English version is released though it is just kinda confusing that there a LOT of extra keyholes in this game, they even seal a keyhole from Yen Sids tower..
  4. i hate it when people complain about the storyline errors/how it should be/etc. I don't think there would be someone who could do better then Nomura? otherwise: prove me
  5. whoops my bad, and in some way can say it is their own fault but only Terra was naive in my opinion, Ventus just wanted to know more about himself and follow Terra and Aqua tried at her best to save her friends
  6. i think the shocking plot turn started in Nomura's head during/after re:coded there sure are a lot of plot holes in some way now but overall he did do a good job with keeping the story having sense in some way
  7. the gaming engine of versus has major influences from KH, as for i'ven seen it mostly looks like the KH1/2 engines but i don't see why you theory would be another reason for KH3 not yet having started? i think the reason that the majority of the KH staff already is working on versus and also Nomura needs to make his plot complete, and he needs to get a green light from Disney to use that plot first..
  8. that adds another good specific reason why Sora failed
  9. you are partly right Riku was indeed in Sora heart, he was a dream eater. This wasn't planned by the organisation this to happen though. your idea of the keyholes that Riku opened seem really legit, i think the 7th keyhole isthe one from Destiny Islands though, but we need to have official translations of that.. Sora failed the exam because he acted kinda arrogant (like when Yen Sid explains the MoM and he acts like it will be a breeze), i think Nomura made Sora fail so he would have a "wake up call" Riku though passed for various reasons: He finally understands that he can't lock his darkness away but needs to channel it he saved his friend from Xehanort he is just down to earth and more..
  10. BBS is seen as the most tagic game from the complete series because the three antagonists all have a bad fate.. it wasn't Terra who killed Eraqus though, Terra only weakened him and Xehanort finished him of, he took advantage of Terra
  11. the only world that could have some sense in BBS would be Atlantica, just to explaining why Triton don't likes the keyblade
  12. I'm european but i can only play 3D afyter my cousin finished it so probably at the same time as it comes out in NA the NA people who rant about getting it later should shut the firetruck up, the europeans didn't complain for years about it..
  13. this is so old bro.. it should be updated with 3d
  14. AR cards, stickers, you name it and it might be possible
  15. probably an enhanced version of the deck command systems
  16. can you quote that for me? maybe because ven's heart is still inside him?Ventus still is sleeping in Castle Oblivion
  17. I want to download a part of the ending that the admins have uploaded here but it redirects me to keepvid what I can't install unfortunately.. can someone upload it Megaupload are a site that looks like that? I really want to gif a part from it..
  18. is is certain Eraqus killed him, he used Terra just to weaken Eraqus..
  19. nope, it has been a long time since we heard.. I do expect some big improvements now though we probably will have to wait until the newt big Gaming event in Japan I think
  20. to me that is kinda out dated after BBS..
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