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Everything posted by EdeaKramer

  1. FF8 and legend of legaia gotta love 90's games
  2. basically when my cousin finished it and i can steal his 3DS
  3. are you really that naïve?to make the graphics of KH hd they need a lot of space, to get that space they need to cut out things, it would be a disaster to see... if it would come out i wouldn't buy it at all, not that i would have the chance to play it at all,
  4. i could not care less for remakes of said games, it is way more special to play an old game than rather playing the same and feeling disappointed with everything that would be left out
  5. the graphics were good for that time, hence FF8 was a big process there are way better reasons to hate the game
  6. yes, except for a few countries, they got own localized subtitles i've heard though you could put them off in this game
  7. ao no exorcist/ blue exorcist elfen lied *what i watched recently*
  8. 3D will somewhat give you the answer at the end
  9. thank god Nomura left an opening in BBS by having Terra take his heart in him I WANT HIM TO COME BACK IN SOME WAY ;____; *not that he didn't fought against Xehanort at all in Terra*
  10. "you're playing this game for the ending" that also has been with BBS, that also is with 3D
  11. ansems castle in ansem the wise his? in some way you could say it was there.. not as big as it could have been though
  12. have you even played BBS? have you played Terra's story? the keyblade is passed down between generations. Kairi may have never should been a keyblade wielder as does Sora but it happened, the keyblade only can reject you if you're a wielder of keyblades from the realm of light and choose the path of darkness (as happened with Riku).I think it is certain Yen Sid would put on the front line, Kairi will have a more active role in the next game(s). kairi will be needed to get Aqua out of the RoD, it is certain that she would be the one to save her master, as Sora is the one needed to awaken Ventus (what can't happen without Aqua to get through Castle Oblivion). The theory of the seven lights everyone is having is just insane, why would 13 Xehanorts be able to be countered by 7 people with a keyblade? Not. My theory says that the princesses themselves should fight too in some way. You can say all you want but i know Kairi will be fighting hardcore in this battle, besides out of the "seven hearts" that were shown in the trailer is impossible. Terra is one of the Xehanort's (against his will) and Roxas won't be coming back. I see it as a Nomura troll.
  13. to counter your argument: in the opening we also saw donald and goofy, also with the keyblade wielders roxas is part of sora, even though he was a special nobody he won't be back as a complete person (as complete he could be) i personally prefer to think of the lights being the keyblade wielders that are still around Sora Riku Kairi Aqua Ventus Mickey Lea the secret ending already somewhat confirmed Kairi being one
  14. the whole thing with xehanorts new plan is a plot hole in my opinion,the fact he tried making the x-blade with knowing it was useless is a plot hole
  15. so you try to say that a sequel can't go wrong?with the overuse of sequels there now are tremendous plot holes..
  16. think of it all that KH just has expanded way to much first they had KH1, then came days and com, then KH2, the suddenly a prequel called BBS, then a sequel called coded and the again a sequel called 3D( probably put wrong) it is impossible to let everything flow together perfect at this point
  17. hurray! all NA people can moan AGAIN i never moaned for you getting re:com http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  18. you should sell stuff like that!
  19. it hasn't been confirmed vanitas is back, he might be took from the BBS TL yes, but in the TL where ventus sleeps vanitas is residing in sora the unversed don't need to happen, you already can expect xehanort to use the heartless and nobodies
  20. why would a new breed of unversed need to happen? there are still heartless and nobodies, pls
  21. i don't want to moan but looking at the CGI opening i can say there is better quality..
  22. why the f*ck would they bring it to psp with the vita? +.+
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