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Everything posted by DG20

  1. ^This so much. Vanitas has to make an epic return.
  2. I haven't seen the 3 yet but I know it's there, I'm just not looking hard enough.
  3. Too long? I have over 100 hours in FFX. Only about half of that is the storyline but the sidequests that added to the story were worth it. Also, I'm torn between saying 3Ds is great and for wanting HD remakes. In one interview Nomura said he threw this game together for the 10th anniversary which is ridiculous. He's in charge of too many projects and can't complete them on time.
  4. You can't level them up, drop bonuses stay the same with the same dp price. The only thing you can do is unlock more bonus options for beating certain bosses.
  5. 36. All the SoRiku moments. Especially the ending.
  6. Same here. Why does it have to be an automatic cutscene/fight? Anyways, bosses I died on: That mantis boss in The Grid as Riku but that was just negligence on my part, Spellican sucked because I could not reach him most of the time and he had long range attacks, YMX wasn't hard but I had to fight the clock part three times because he interrupted me and rewound time. I'm gonna have trouble with Julius since he's freaking insane.
  7. Mr. god doesn't get any attention outside Shibuya.
  8. 40 something hours. I still have a ton of stuff to do but I did beat the story.
  9. Code Breaker's cool, Wonder Comic was interesting, but Nightmare's End is just awesome.
  10. Only Aqua can do that now, and if you"re asking who her successor will be, there will probably a whole other round of students that will compete for the right, provided Aqua lives that long.
  11. Rofl. Yeah he was having trouble summoning it, I believe he said that he wanted to use his Keyblade as his weapon when he was rescuing Sora but he couldn't summon it and had to use the chakrams.
  12. It's the best ending ever. First Sora is having tea, then he has a fake mustache on, then he glomps Riku. Yeah, I love Sora. Also, Julius is some dude from some new Disney movie called Runaway Brain. IDK, I hadn't even heard about the Musketeers movie (2004) until this game.
  13. The entire game was awesome. Except for the secret ending, but yeah, awesome. Who knew Xehanort had such a crazy plan.
  14. Wait, so Sora actually went to the real Traverse Town in the endng to do...something?
  15. It's not that bad. Remember how TWEWY has only one save slot?
  16. From what I've been reading so far (haven't started a new game+ since I'm trying to collect DE's and stuff) it's something like: Spirits, Story, Mementos, Character Files, Glossary, Trophies, Recipes. No ingredients carry over, no items/treasures carry over, no keyblades carry over. I think the Game Records list is reset too so if you were working towards a new trophy you'll have to start all over again. Dream eaters carry over but ability board is reset. Question about the Dream Eaters: Does the affinity levels stay the same or do they reset?
  17. It doesn't seem likely they would have DLC but BBS had a FM even after Nomura more or less said there wouldn't be one so...
  18. I think Yen Sid knew exactly what was going on. He's a mastermind, so he knows everything that could go right and everything that could go wrong, he just doesn't bother to tell anyone what he knows. So yeah, he probably was setting Sora up for failure.
  19. My favorite button is the attack button. Then I use commands sometimes but those get interrupted alot. I hate using Flow Motion to defeat enemies but since the trophy is to defeat a 1000 with it I'm trying to use it more.
  20. I agree, Xehanort has a plan for everything. I don't believe that this plan could have failed so easily and have him not have any backup plans. Yeah I'm expecting Ven and Sora to be extremely close. Sora has been linked since he was born after all (and saved his life a couple times). As for the time travel thing, I believe Sora has actually fulfilled the requirements once but it remains to be seen if he used this opportunity without remembering it.
  21. I felt bad for Sora. Certainly he still has a lot of learning to do, but it feels like he has the most responsibilities but the least recognition. Also, I think that confidence he was showing was mostly because Riku was taking the test with me. Small note about Terra and Aqua's test, in one of the game memo things it said Eraqus would have named both of them Masters immediately but Xehanort insisted they take the Exam and fight each other, with Eraqus creating the darkness that caused Terra to fail.
  22. Good grief. I went to The Grid first because the battle level was the same as Prankster's Paradise and didn't think there was a specific order. I didn't have much trouble but I died as Riku a few times on the boss. Then I find out I should have gone to Prankster's Paradise first. I haven't gone to a world out of order in KH ever. Ever. Thank you 3Ds, everything feels wrong now. Also, I ended up playing the much harder level in Flick Rush because of this too.
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