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Everything posted by DG20

  1. I doubt he's seen Ven's memories, but since Ven's heart finally seems to be awake, maybe him and Sora can finally talk.
  2. Sounds like Nomura. "Why did Xehanort and co. word things as if to try and wake Ventus who is inside Sora? Nomura: They did so in order to tempt Sora’s heart and have it fall to the darkness. In the story it also talks about how abandoning the self leads to losing the heart. When you see Vanitas (the dark half of Ventus who appeared in KHBBS) overlay Young Xehanort for a moment, that represents Ventus’ heart reacting inside Sora." Yep, already suspected that Sora was experiencing Ven's feelings when Terra and Aqua 'appeared'. And on Vanitas, I'm going to take that as he's still around.
  3. I didn't like the opening much. Certainly the recap was nice representing the 10th anniversary but the music and the opening scene could have been better. I liked the BBS opening more. They sound the same but the lyrics and the language are different. I wouldn't say they're the same since I prefer Hikari over Simple and Clean and Passion over Sanctuary.
  4. Off topic. Does Jak and Daxter still count since all the games are made for playstation? Unless you're counting the two not made by Naughty Dog as 3rd party. On topic. 3Ds will definitely reach high sales in NA.
  5. How does it compare with the other games on the market?
  6. I can't believe wars are started over this stuff. I guess I'm an atheist. Don't really believe in a god or higher power. I remember when I used to go church and wanted some sort of proof and the sunday school teacher acted like that was wrong of me. But I also believe that people can like whatever religion they like. To each his own.
  7. Yeah so uh. I'm not saying the story or the game was badly done, it had a crazy unexpected plot twist. But this is the 10th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts we're talking about. Maybe it should have gotten more priority than the 'hastily thrown together' this quote makes it sound like.
  8. Unless she actually ends up losing important fights in the future.
  9. I'm mostly a lurker. I spend a great deal of time reading people's posts over many different forums about various games because I like to see what their opinions are and it sometimes helps me enjoy/understand the game better. These past few months my obsession has been about Kingdom Hearts because 3Ds was coming out. My previous forum was kh2.co.uk (right before KH2 came out) but the coverage there was nothing compared to the coverage this site. So here I am.
  10. It's over 9000!!! :> It could just be over the top the Ho Yay. I mean, look at Kingdom Hearts. Just when I think Sora and Kairi are the canon couple, I see the ending to 3Ds.
  11. Cell phone game should disappear. They seem to be the one thing that are hardly ever exported.
  12. Xehanort is pretty scary even without those choice words. A guy that splits his heart and uses that to completely take over other people and turn them into himself? Especially if their heart/soul survives, they're still trapped and unable to do anything but watch.
  13. Noooo freaking way. When he mentioned the iphone/ipad os I thought he had lost his mind. That's the one "system" I will not buy for Kingdom Hearts.
  14. Thank you. That's much better than answering a question with a question.
  15. Sure why not. Like the previous versions it probably won't be seen outside Japan, but the added cutscenes and (possible) different secret ending is enough for me.
  16. Not like I could afford the bundle if it came here. No point in buying it either since I already own a 3ds and the rest of the KH games anyways.
  17. Finally there's going to be a trailer for North America. Good luck Oishii.
  18. The 3Ds ending. Where *spoiler * turned around and was wearing the glasses. Completely describes that character perfectly. Not to mention the tackling scene that took place.
  19. DG20

    Got iPad?

    Nope, no tablet. Not rich enough for one. Would rather try and save up for a new game system.
  20. I think it's worth mentioning that Young Riku wanted to leave the island but he also wanted power to protect his friend, while KH1 Riku ended up taking Ansem SoD offer. *Slight spoiler?*
  21. I really like Sora. Like when I saw the ending in 3DS, I thought "I love you Sora." Riku is second.I guess it's because Riku's been a bit more distant lately. And if it's bad guys then Vanitas is first.
  22. A bunch of the above. Mostly if I'm stuck on a puzzle or if I need help beating a boss. After I beat the game, it's for help on 100% completion. Sometimes just reading a walkthrough or watching one helps because it means since someone else beat it, I can too.
  23. Well the BBSv2 trailer did show that Aqua encountered atleast one world engulfed in darkness. Maybe there was something else in those worlds too. No idea what Mickey was doing when he went to the Dark Realm and left again. "The period of Riku's absence", wasn't that revealed in Days that he was doing stuff on DiZ's orders and trying to convince Xion to help Sora?
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