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Everything posted by DG20

  1. No it's because everything is invented in Japan first. They're so far ahead of everyone.
  2. Sora "destroyed" his body too but he ended up okay. I think it's the same rules for Nobodies. They lost their hearts (except MX did it willingly) but if the Heartless is destroyed before the Nobody, then the person will revive (just like MX).
  3. Even if Xehanort does have his old body back, wouldn't he just
  4. But most of these "important scenes", like Aqua's armor, Lingering Sentiment, etc. only becomes understandable after the next game comes out, and by that time the new game outright states what happened or what led to these events. It's annoying to not have the FM stuff in the NA version but it seems that we'll just have to hope for an international release,
  5. Final Form is powerful but the gliding is starting to annoy me. Anti Form is awesome to watch so long as I don't get into boss battles with it. I'm kinda curious what Limit Form is like.
  6. Oh god not the slender man. I don't play horror games but just reading about them and stuff like this scares me really bad...Hope I can get to sleep without being scared...
  7. They're probably not gonna use DLC, but it would be nice if they took advantage of easily adding new content and let other people outside of Japan play stuff like the Final Mixes.
  8. I prefer happy endings. Bittersweet endings are pretty powerful, but I like it when the characters are alive and well.
  9. The Gamestop I go to is at the mall, but I plan to be there early and get it when they open.
  10. Japan Expo took place in France. :blink: Okaaay... *Sees wallscrolls* Ooh, I want those.
  11. I believe that there's the opening scenes with Yen Sid, then a scene on Destiny Islands, then you fight Ursula. So it's not completely wrong.
  12. I can't remember what my attack pins were but stuff like Aqua Barrier and reloading Cure Pins saved me in battle.
  13. "After experiencing the DDD demo..." I realized I wanted the full game.
  14. Evil, but does anyone else want to see Kingdom Hearts and the "new world" Xehanort wanted to create? It sounds cool.
  15. Yeah but that's impossible. Time travel in KH doesn't work like that. At most, someone like Sora or Xehanort could go back to their past self and give them information. It might be enough to change at least one event if they can overcome the amnesia effect.
  16. 25 bottles of beer on the wall, 25 bottles of beer...It's finally less than 30 days yay.
  17. Nope. I'm gonna open the box, look at the contents, flip through the instruction book, then play it.
  18. But Sora did. It's almost exactly what Xehanort did. I'm confused the terms since Nobody is just a person without a heart, and a heartless...has a body but no heart? I still think he would have to travel within the short amount of time after he gave up his heart though.
  19. The screen would stretch right? I'm not getting it.
  20. In game, Anti Form is powerful but the downside is you can't heal at all or cancel the drive form. It's likely to get you killed on boss battles if you happen to get it. Story line wise, there is no side effects, but the story didn't exactly explain how you could suddenly merge your form/existance with Donald and Goofy either. I'm hoping if they mention any sort of side effects in the story in the future it'll relate back to Vanitas.
  21. I was thinking the exact same thing when Young Xehanort first explained the time travel rules. But I think the difference is that Sora would only have the chance to time travel when he was a heartless. It's a small window but it wouldn't be the only time something important happened to him and he almost immediately forgot it. Anyways, after he met up with Kairi again he was completely restored so he wouldn't have the opportunity anymore. *....I will attempt to edit the top post...* Also, time travel rules state that you can only go back in time to talk to yourself, your previous self has to be in the timeline, and you will have no memory of whatever you talked about. But Xehanort seems to have found a way around this so there are some possibilities of breaking these rules.
  22. Yes but "bought" implies that you already have it in your possession. I think pre-order still applies here.
  23. I will admit that I have trouble distinguishing some Japanese voice actors voices but I do feel that Japanese voice actors put more effort and emotion into their work. If I have the option to play a game with Japanese cutscenes and english subs I will play that.
  24. It's up to you. I was actually completely unaware of when BBS was being released in english and didn't even preorder and get the bonus pack, but I didn't feel like an unloyal fan.
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