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Everything posted by DG20

  1. Well considering the tendencies of the crazy evil body stealing people, this could happen. I kind of want something like Vanitas taking over Sora who has to fight someone like Riku or Ventus in a future game. But for Sora in general, I don't think he would willingly turn on any of his friends...Short explanation ahead....Seriously, Riku betrayed him and attacked him in KH1 and Sora just tried to warn him and forgave him instantly after he saw his mistake, so Riku can't really do worse than that. Yeah Sora would much rather forgive everyone and save them than hold a grudge.
  2. This list doesn't look too bad, I just hope it's easier than the Re:Coded ones. I'm still stuck with the freaking optional system sectors. The BBS ones I'm sure I can do too once I get my PSP back.
  3. Is there a new game plus kind of feature or is it more like TWEWY's replay this episode kind of thing?
  4. Kingdom Hearts :>. I have to start watching cartoon network now.
  5. Guys where's the commercial?? Nevermind, just gonna wait for it to come on on Cartoon Network.
  6. I'm certain that Kairi doesn't remember anything about Aqua. She didn't even remember what world she came from, and remembering her grandmother probably took some work (Sora accidentally going through her memories in KH1). While Riku, *slight spoilers ahead*
  7. I can't tell since I haven't played it yet but, Tron Legacy looks pretty cool. Probably gonna miss the lack of FF characters but the TWEWY characters will probably make up for it.
  8. 8 days http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png. Somebody wake me up in a week.
  9. I'm torn between BBS and KH2 because KH2 had a beautiful opening, but I'm gonna go with BBS because it tells a story with tons of symbolism/foreshadowing with Hikari playing as the theme, which is pure win.
  10. There's a topic for getting the secret ending below this one but... Here are the secret ending requirements for all interested: Get a minimum of 5 trophies on Proud/7 on Normal Get the secret message - just hit the gold letters during the credits, you can try again using the theater mode Answer the 3 questions after the last battle properly, that is: 大切なものを失うのが If I had lost something important 大切な親友だ An important friend 大切なものを取り戻したい To take back what is important If you fail the last one, you have to repeat the last... 2? boss fights
  11. The X in their names? Xehanort appears to have either renamed or urged them to rename themselves with an X because of his, at the time unknown, obsession with "X" which means Keyblade,
  12. I was gonna try to beat Re:CoM and Days before 3Ds. Crud, I better start soon.
  13. Platforming is a type of rpg that requires you to jump onto "platforms",swing from objects or buildings or...pretty much anything. Games like Jak and Daxter are platforming rpgs. I think it was an unfair rating but I am biased here. I wouldn't call 3Ds a platforming game either.
  14. Most of my KH games are used. KH1 Re:CoM Days KH2 BBS Re:Coded Dream Drop Distance (Preordered) Might try to collect the Final Mixes if I can learn Japanese.
  15. It was ok. The gameplay was interesting but I'm glad H.A.N.D. was able to improve their game making skills. (Waay better than days.)
  16. They're not "spinoffs" but there is a significant quality drop when compared to the numbered titles. Anyways, I don't see KH for the PS Vita unless they make a portable KH3.
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