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Everything posted by DG20

  1. The game is pretty easy but right now I'm only on normal mode. Also, I find it annoying that the secret bosses are Disney bosses that have nothing to do with the overall plot.
  2. Nickname: DG 0989 2298 5034 I added everyone from the other thread as well.
  3. Sora. I like Riku too, but who else is just so happy and upbeat and wants to help everyone? He's going through a lot a trouble, but he doesn't mind at all.
  4. Did they say how many copies were sold? Maybe it did well if they sold out in under 3 hours.
  5. Wow. 'Let me hit this with my key sword.' Also, "Hey, listen, your Maj- I gotta stop that. Mickey-" You're so funny Sora.
  6. Pretty good. You have captured his craziness.
  7. Yes I think so. I bought a 3DS for it. There's only a few games that I'll keep buying the remakes or next sequel of, and I'm happy that Kingdom Hearts is still going strong.
  8. But the guidebook has to be out somewhere, people are already posting pictures of the dream eater stats and their requirements straight out of the guidebook. I'm beginning to find that every time I start playing a KH game and need to look something up, that turning on my laptop and searching through various websites for the answer is very tedious and time consuming, so much that I'll sometimes turn off the game and just make note of it for when I feel like playing it again/have the time to play it again.
  9. My plan: Pick the game up Tuesday around 9 am, go home and play it for two days. This is perfect since I don't have to go back to work until Thursday.
  10. I've got another question. What was Sora's involvement in all this? Xehanort said he's planned on using Sora (14 year old) as a vessel or something since he saw him, but he's appeared to not have any plans with Sora until Dream Drop Distance. I know he was counting on Sora defeating his heartless and then his Nobody, but other than that? The most he did in their first meeting was possess Riku, and in their next, sabotage his Mark of Mastery exam. Doesn't seem very much like a Mastermind here.
  11. I need this guide. Wow, these names are really lame puns.
  12. 5 days after the game is out? With a 30% discount for trade-ins towards the purchase when most of us have already pre-ordered and paid for the game, months in advance? You fail Gamestop. Also, what is this Hands on experience nonsense?
  13. Same here. The title is so awkward I call Days everytime I say it or write it down.
  14. I miss Destiny Islands. Maybe we could actually go to the main island this time. Seeing it in a cutscene is not enough.
  15. Wow, I thought the commercial was only being shown on Cartoon Network but apparently it's showing on local channels too. 5 days left.
  16. Yugioh Abridged episode 56 was the best. The same old jokes are always funny. "Ahh, Explodia, no one's ever escaped him before!"
  17. Other than people being dumb, I'm having new problems with people being rude too. Which is why I'm waiting for 3Ds to take my mind off these things.
  18. Saving these pictures and waiting til I have the game.
  19. So the Nightmare Armor wasn't hard at all? I was hoping the last boss would at least be a little difficult.
  20. This was way back on the third page but it sounds easy enough to achieve. Get a minimum of 5 trophies on Proud Mode Get a minimum of 7 trophies on Standard Mode Get the secret message - just hit the gold letters during the credits, you can try again using the theater mode
  21. Sometimes I think the only solution to not having the good stuff first is to move to Japan.
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