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Everything posted by KeybladeWielder_

  1. Hearing all the re-recorded music. It's going to be so fantastic. I'm so excited for hearing all the songs by the orchestra. It will be just so amazing, words cannot describe the excitement I have for all of it. And Vector to the Heavens, re-recorded with a full orchestra OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I wasn't excited for the music but now!! Agh! I love music.
  2. I'll be terrible at the speed runs and I won't play through like three times to get beginner, proud and whatever. Ain't nobody got time for that. Or heartless' or unversed.... What a TERRAble pun.I'm going to have to leave now, it's getting out of hand.
  3. It'd be awesome, but I doubt it will ever happen. This is because the more I learn in Physics the more reasons I understand that it won't work... Haha.
  4. Oh my god! All of those are so good. Thank you both so much!!! Wisdom Form, Mega man, Alice in Wonderland, Sailor Mercury. All bloody fantastic ideas. I'm deifinatly thinking wisdom form now =D Rainbow Dash would be funny. I wonder if there's a onesy available for it... /searches. Thankyou again.
  5. I only have KH songs on my iPod. But I wouldn't mind getting some of the Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 soundtrack.
  6. So this year is my last year of high school. Sports day is huge. Like absolutely huge! And I'm a pro, I've won best dressed and stuff for my team. But this year all the year 12's are getting awesome sailor moon costumes and shiz. So I have to take it up a notch and get something awesome. Only thing is I can't think of anything. So this is where you guys come in. I am in Dugan which is blue I don't care, if your idea sounds stupid tell me. Because if worst comes to worst I'm planning on wearing a school dress (it's blue). So hit me with them. Super hero's. TV Characters. Game characters. Anything at all. I'll appreciate any input. So I'll come back in about 8 hours, I'm expecting big things you guys =P EDIT I'm a dude but have no problem with wearing something that a girl would wear. Its sports day, you don't get judged =P
  7. Nope. In truth I feel a release of sadness or anger and other negative feelings. I defiantly am not a violent person. My main violent game is cod but it doesn't make me violent.
  8. I'm on my iPod so I'll add it tomorrow. It's a close up of N7 armour with water droplets on it. Quite beautiful actually.
  9. That article is so poorly written. It doesn't even sound how Nomura talks. He wouldn't say 'Im sure all will be pleased with its longliveity', he would say 'So please look forward to it!'Away!... What.... /leaves
  10. I understand you. I'm unsure of my opinion, but I certainly see your side of it
  11. This is fantastic. 100 % goodness. One issue. How does Genie know of long dead celebrities?? O_o
  12. I don't think it would be disrespectful. I feel that to continue to involve Mickey in video games and movies is like a never ending tribute to Wayne Allwine. Besides there a five year olds who think they voice Elmo better than the actual voice actor so, even in this situation, it won't sound bad. Plus I'm sure a five year old would love to be in Kingdom Hearts!
  13. This is the order I have played the ones I have played in... If that makes sense. 13-2 13 7 But when I got 13 I stopped 13-2 and played 13. Then I decided to buy 7 off the PSN... Maybe it would have been easier to say no. And I only decided to try Final Fantasy because of Kingdom Hearts. Because I thought Cloud was the sickest bad ass. And because of Zack and Aqua.
  14. All these jokes are making me smile and feel so happy that it feels like I'm on Cloud 9... Sorry.
  15. Not really. Credit card details were stolen when Sony got hacked... Not internet connections or PS3 consoles...
  16. Someone ring Nomura and tell him to can Kingdom Hearts 3. It doesn't need to be made anymore.
  17. I'd be really bored if video games got burnt. I'd probably become a reckless teen. Drugs, sex and rock and roll. That sorta stuff. & he swears a lot!
  18. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. That is why I'm buying the game. Just to see all the awesome cutscenes.
  19. I just googled all of them. The Xehanort is Riku's uncle twice removed made me laugh so hard!
  20. I spend to much time on here to get a job. I think not connecting it is maybe a little bit of an over the top move. I won't switch to Xbox because I would have to pay for online which would mean I would desperatly need a job.
  21. I'll try, but if it's true and there are speed run trophies then I'm screwed. I failed at speed runs in Re: Coded.
  22. Yeah, I'll try EB Games. Thanks. Yeah it's four map packs. But if I got them seperately it would cost me close to $90... That's awesome. I should try and do something like that.
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