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  1. I truly didn't think I would win;; all of the entries looked great!///Thanks again! >///<
  2. Thank you so much! It truly is an honor/// I saw all of the other entries and they're all adorable-- I honestly didn't think I would win, all of the entries looked great! Thanks again! >///<
  3. Here is my entry: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/39859-kh3d-contest-entry-soras-spirit/ The meow wow doll is so cute
  4. My entry for the contest Art © Abyss.kh13.com
  5. Along with the new game, new worlds to go along with it. Which world struck you as the most creatively executed? Were there any worlds that you found lacking?
  6. Sora in the beginning, since I played him more often (you start off with Sora anyway) but I've come to like playing as RIku more towards the end because he has higher HP and more specialty commands (such as darkbarrier, and dark roll, etc.)
  7. haha I know what you mean, but I'm just saying that it's cool to imagine c:
  8. Yet another one of the great things about Kingdom Hearts is that it incorporates Disney worlds and characters into its games, giving both a nostalgic and fresh sense into the series. However, many people have been pointing out that the more recent KH titles have less and less impact on the Disney characters and in the Disney worlds (in other words, the characters and worlds are generally not very reactive to the actions you take, since you don't have a choice but to do a certain thing in order to move on). A huge reason why Kingdom Hearts is so well-loved is the huge amount of flexibility and possibilities that it offers. To be honest, I'm perfectly fine with the way the story is dealt with (going through worlds on a set path) However, what if there were multiple routes that could be taken in the worlds/certain worlds? For example, depending on your choices, how you interact with the world, and/or its characters, the ending for the world will be different. (there was a small sample of this in re:Coded) I think that for a game like KH, route worlds would definitely be more expansive and fun for most everybody, and especially those who seek out stories. By adding the route concept into KH (or at least imagining it), it creates so many more possibilities for gameplay. This is merely a thought-- as I had said, I'm perfectly fine with the way KH deals with the world interactions now, but a route concept is definitely interesting to imagine in the Kingdom Hearts series
  9. I've been noticing a lot of KH gamers loving Birth By Sleep. I've never played the game personally, so I'm curious as to what makes BBS such a 'good'/memorable game for so many people? (The battling mechanics, the story, the characters, etc.?)
  10. Okay, so most all of us should know that by now KH has a huge cast of characters, most of them with nicely recognizable designs-- but do they have unique personalities to match? Which character, of all of the KH cast so far, do you think has the most unique personality-- or a personality that had really surprised/struck you as interesting?
  11. Everyone plays a game their own way, and one of the many things that's great about the KH series is that the games generally cater to many kinds of gamers So what kind of gamer are you? I am... A. A Story-seeker: My main interest is the story, and I usually go through the game fast in order to progress through the story B. A Battler: The battling and level-ups give me the most thrill in the game, and I seek out battles because they're fun C. A Collector: I take pride in collecting all kinds of things, from rare to regular-in order to do that, I usually take my time with the game so that I can do so. D. A Casual Player: I don't have any particular goals except to play the game and have fun with it in general If you're more than one, or maybe another kind, I'd like to know what kind of KH player you are!
  12. To be honest, I didn't like them at first (they seemed rather unoriginal to me), but when I was battling with them, they didn't seem so bad, and some of them seemed really cute So what are your current opinions on the Dream Eaters? Also, are there any ways/things that could have made them better in your opinion?
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