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Everything posted by shivarice

  1. The balloonga is probably the best out of the three. You don't have to hit them to send it flying; it moves by itself. In addition, it will home onto enemies once the big balloon breaks into 5 little ones as Sky Heart mentioned. Off topic, I find it amusing because compared to the other spells it is colorful and usually when people are fighting the last few final bosses, they're using all of these mind blowing skills that look cool instead I'm just sending out colorful balloons. If the bosses were real, they probably yelled at me for not using proper final bosses killing skills :c.
  2. Currently my team consist of aura lion, Majik Lapin, and Kab Cannon (3rd slot). I'm trying to figure out which disposition would help me the best in boss fights. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://wikiwiki.jp/kh_3d/%3F%25A5%25C9%25A5%25EA%25A1%25BC%25A5%25E0%25A5%25A4%25A1%25BC%25A5%25BF%25A1%25BC%252F%25A5%25AA%25A1%25BC%25A5%25E9%25A5%25E9%25A5%25A4%25A5%25AA%25A5%25F3&usg=ALkJrhiVtltIDhT-PKX85y8TRGr4pFCknQ I've been using this site to determine which disposition command list would fit my need. Working on aura lion disposition and I can't really choose between Paragon ( The likeihood) or Clear Mind ( Calm). Both dispositions have protect, shell, and curaga. P.S Is Keeba tiger better than aura lion?
  3. I'm a little confused by Yen Sid's explaination about how other characters will not recognize Sora and Riku. For example when Sora meets Jiminy, he doesn't remember Sora. I understand their figments of the dream but the rest of the explaination I got lost in. Would someone care to explain to me? Please and thank you.
  4. Saw the ending. Here's my theory about being back in Traverse Town. Sora retakes the exam since dream eaters only appear in the dream realm. I really glad that Sora isn't sad at all that he didn't become a master . Perhaps the secret ending will show some ending of Sora finishing the exam the second time around o:?
  5. I have to agree with souleater3000. If someone had to speedrun, they would die time to time and it looks like the battle diffculty was raised a bit. I watched Apaulliao videos of him battling against the gorilla boss. He died several times before he managed to killed it. Although, it could be possible that he was new to the game. Also in addition to dying from time to time, when you're fighting a boss fight, the dream guage is still being delepted, so if you weren't prepared for the battle, you basically switch out due to no time. Now, this would have to be confirmed. I can confirm the deleption but not the switching out since Apaulliao almost had to switch out once but he killed it or died, I don't remember. But if this is the true ending, I hope they make it clear what happened. P.S: yes, you'll switched out during a boss fight if the gauge is fully delepted. Confirmed in Apaulliao second KH3D video http://www.twitch.tv/apaulliao/b/313222886 here's proof around 26:53 is where it switches. May contain spoilers watch at your own risk http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-mad.png.
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