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Everything posted by takaturtle

  1. It started with a doodle on my sketchbook while doing my biology homework... and it turns out to become this... I know that I'm not an art person, but I just felt that this is a good piece.
  2. Do the samurai and bushido thing... The best question is: you like samurai better or ninja
  3. Here's the one I uploaded... It's totally not hard http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Bring Balloonga and multiple heals then you can simply beat him. This one is in level 55 or 56, proud mode http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TQl9LFaqMcE
  4. It's actually the one that when Riku is going to get a treasure in The World That Never Was, then he will get stuck inside the protection(or barrier) and cannot get out. Or the one that Riku only gets 7 spaces in Deck Command instead of 8 while finishing the story of Fantasia. However, I didn't meet these bugs yet when I'm playing... The bug that irritates me the most is the one that you cannot attack the Nightmare, but the Nightmare can still attack the player... this means that you will not able to defeat the boss and you will need to restart the console... All that time is wasted especially if fighting a boss with extremely high stamina
  5. But in the fight of Spellcan (Traverse Town 2), Sora will going to fight 3 previous bosses. Therefore it will make it less uneven.
  6. I know that it should be here, but it isn't on the play record... So maybe its not counted as a Nightmare?? All the Dream Eaters here will give a 100% on the record
  7. I kind of feel bad for the EU and NA players because after the Japanese release, the spoilers are everywhere and it's hard to avoid them... Why won't SE release all of them in once and include both Japanese and English on the game?? I mean, will the game still be fun if you have know all the plots and secrets?? It would be great if SE adds an option of switching game voice and language. However, I still prefer the Japanese voice and menu.
  8. Hello, it's me again. Sorry for posting a lot of things here... The photos are kind of a bit messy this time, but it is better than none. I don't think of putting descriptions for them since there are over 50 of them. (Thanks Ursalink for the information.) The photos include Nightmares, rare Nightmares, Spirits, and Boss Nightmares. The rare Nightmares are like albino Nightmares or some kind of bright bluish white Nightmares, but in the game they have a higher attack and stamina. Not all Nightmares have a rare version... The following Dream Eaters with 3 repeated photos are the only ones that include a rare version. These rare ones all appear in Special Portal. Nightmares have a black Dream Eater sign on them, while Spirits have pink Dream Eater sign on them. If the photos aren't still recognizable, then they are in the following order: from left to right: Nightmare, rare Nightmare, Spirits ((if the Dream Eater is repeated 3 times. or from left to right: Nightmare, Spirits ((if the Dream Eater is repeated twice. From left to right, top to bottom: 1) Wonder Meow (Wandanyan) Description: A cute looking Dream Eater that attack with small horn. Catching fire can cause a panic. 2) Ball Sheep (Tamasheep) (Its supposed to be a sheep, but it doesn't look like a sheep...) Description: A Dream Eater that loves to sleep. It can cause the surrounding to fall asleep. It is mostly unguarded, so attack at a breathe. 3) Bat Bat (Komori Bat) Description: A Dream Eater that flaps its wing and flies around. It attack with ultrasonic waves that can cause confusion. 4) Goat Horn (Yagi Horn) Description: Dream Eater that uses its horn to attack. It can attack multiple times, so attack when it stops its move. 5) Needle Lion (Hari Lion) (It doesn't look like a lion, more like a spiky cat.) Description: It will jump around and attack with its sharp needles on its body. When its angry, it will become red and the attack will become severe. 6) Snake Lizard (Hebi Tokage) Description: A mischievous Dream Eater that doesn't calm down. It will attack by rolling its body to a ball. 7) Frog Soldier (Kaeru Soldier) Description: A Dream Eater with small body and uses sword and magic. It will fight bravely for peers. Its weakness is fire. 6) Dragon Horse (Tatsu Horse) Description: A Dream Eater that attack by bubbles. It can attack accurately from a long distance, but the weak to close fight and the defense is low. 9) Poison Salamander (Dokudoku Sansho) Description: It seems like it is easygoing, but when get near it can cause poison and other statuses. Be careful when attacking! 10) Torpedo Fish (Gyoraigyo) Description: A bloody water type Dream Eater. I will attack spotlessly with water laser, but when electrified it will jump around. From left to right, top to bottom: 1) Cat Cat (Neko Cat) Description: A adorable Dream Eater with refreshing moves and attack with magical balls. (You will hate them if you are playing low level in La Cites des Cloches.) 2) Swift Giraffe (Idaten Kirin) Description: A Dream Eater that moves as fast as a lightning, but it moves in a straight line. 3) Bear Panda (Kuma Panda) Description: Dream Eater that moves slowly, but has a great strength. It will not faint with small attacks, but when it can't hold more attacks, it will faint. 4) Handsome Pegasus (Handsome Pegasus) Description: A Dream Eater that gathers wind and attack. The more powerful the attack, the more wind it must gather, so attack it when it's gathering wind. The Last 3 Dream Eaters are Spirits only, which are from the AR card. Except for they 3, other Dream Eaters can be formed from a recipe obtained form the shop, treasures, special portals, or medal exchange. For the last 3 Spirits, you can be made form combining dream pieces(manual, without recipes), which is the second option of forming Dream Eaters. The rest are the boss Dream Eaters... You may notice that there are two more missing, which are from the AR cards along with books. However, all these Dream Eaters(including rare Nightmares and Spirits) will give you a 100% on the game report. Seems like those 2 are not able to obtain through the game, so they are left out from the whole population... Apparently, I did not buy those 2 books, so I do not have them... Maybe the Ultimania will be included with another rare Spirit that is not obtainable form the game...?
  9. hmmm... I didn't see the secret message, but I still get to unlock the secret ending...
  10. I have uploaded them all to flickr, go here for full size... http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream *Updated with one more new keyblade.
  11. Everyone will become bold by the influence of Xehanort... lol They will start falling hairs... If it happens, it will be the ultimate troll of Nomura.
  12. Actually, I uploaded it and got blocked from some region... Maybe Square Enix doesn't want to give out the ending before the release in NA... Sure ; D
  13. Thanks ; )I never notice that he changed his weapon somewhere after KH I... lol It looks the same to me ; p
  14. I thought their plan is to make all 13 of them Xehanort, so probably yellow eyes mean they are already becoming Xehanort ; p
  15. Some boss have a large body... so when you get squashed into corner by them, you'll have no control on camera and can die easily.
  16. Sony NEX-5n ; ) Actually, I found another secret keyblade... Here it is! Sweet Dream *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 14 Magic: 12 Description: Keyblade with high attack and occurance of critical hit. Reach is long. Location: Defeat all cups in Flick Rush(kind of mini game involving with Dream Eaters...) *I moved down some of the pictures here because the limit for pictures is 10 for each post... Dive Wing *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 12 Magic: 15 Desciption: The keyblade with high status of magic and critical hit. Location: Get Rank A in all dive mode. Example: If Riku finished all dive mode with rank A then he will get the keyblade but not Sora. Sora will need to finish all his dive mode with rank A to get it. (PS. Bee Queen is the hardest one to get rank A...) This will be the best keyblade before ending. End of Pain *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 14 Magic: 16 Desciption: The keyblade with high status of magic and critical hit, but reduces the occurance of Real Shift. Location: Defeat all Special Portal. The count is same as the previous keyblade; Sora and Riku have their own count. Special Portal is just fighting against stronger Dream Eaters. Ultima Weapon (Yay!) *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 16 Magic: 16 Desciption: The keyblade with high status and the occurance of critical hit and Real Shift is both high. The keyblade with excellent performance. Location: Defeat secret boss. You will need to defeat it twice to be able to have it for both characters. (Sora once and Riku once) The boss is not as hard as armor Terra, trust me. Over Drive *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 18 Magic: 14 Desciption: Every status is high, and is the best keyblade (you can get in 3D). Has a high occurance of critical hit, but higher occurance of Real Shift. Location: Defeat all Secret Portal. Secret Portal is basically fighting against boss Dream Eater again with higher stamina and strength. However, I still like Ultima Weapon better...
  17. Before Lea went to Yen Sid, he flashbacked the promise that he made with Roxas that he will bring him back no matter what happen. He is probably going to use his keyblade to separate Roxas from Sora... Also, Xehanort said that he has 3 lights in his side when he captured Sora, so the 3 light will be Sora, Roxas, and Ventus. However, the war will not begin when the 7 lights and 13 darks are there. Therefore, Nomura will think a way to make them separate from Sora, instead of Sora representing both of them. Maybe this is the reason why Lea got a keyblade.
  18. I completed the game(didn't sleep for a long time)... Here are all the keyblades I got so far, and I think these are probably all keyblades in the game... I don't know if these things are going to be a spoiler or not... lol There are total of 14 keyblades that I got so far... I don't know the official English names for the keyblades, so I will translate directly(Probably doesn't make any sense...) Don't wine about that the photos are small because they are already small on the screen! Kingdom Chain *Sora only Attack: 5 Magic: 4 Desciption: The very first keyblade with balanced attack and magic. Location: Beginning of the game. Weituzardon (Japanese) Soul Eater (English) *Riku only Attack: 5 Magic: 4 Desciption: The very first keyblade with balanced attack and magic. Location: Beginning of the game. Skull Noise *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 7 Magic: 7 Desciption: The keyblade with balanced attack and magic. Location: Finish the story of Traverse Town(first visit). Guardian Bell *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 7 Magic: 10 Desciption: Keyblade that has the characteristics of high status of magic and long reach. Location: Finish the story of La Cite Des Cloches. Dual Disc *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 10 Magic: 7 Desciption: Keyblade that has the high status of attack and critical hit. Location: Finish the story of The Grid. Ferris Gear *Sora only Attack: 8 Magic: 8 Desciption: Keyblade that has a high status of magic and attack, but has a low occurance of Real Shift. Location: Finish the story of Prankster's Paradise. Ocean Rage *Riku only Attack: 8 Magic: 10 Desciption: Keyblade that has a high status of magic. Increases the occurance of Real Shift, but reduces critical hit. Location: Finish the story of Prankster's Paradise. Last Knuckle (or probably Finish Knuckle) *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 12 Magic: 10 Desciption: The keyblade with high status of attack. Increases the occurance of Real Shift, but reduces critical hit. Location: Finish the story of Traverse Town(second visit). All for One *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 10 Magic: 12 Desciption: The keyblade with high status of magic and critical hit, but reduces the occurance of Real Shift. Location: Finish the story of Country of the Musketeers. Fantasy Notes *Both Sora and Riku Attack: 12 Magic: 14 Desciption: The keyblade with high status of magic. Real Shift will occur often and the reach is long. Location: Finish the story of Symphony of Sorcery. *I moved down some of the pictures to the 5th comment because the limit for pictures is 10 for each post...
  19. I'm not really far in the game. I just finished The Grid. The boss fight became harder... If they take down, then... *Updates!* I just(yesterday) took the opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTOy9qNJ9aE&feature=youtu.be Part 1 of the Walkthrough/Gameplay(subtitled): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m54xUWiTGX4&feature=youtu.be
  20. My channel will be http://www.youtube.com/user/lollij82. Currently, there's nothing, everything is processing.It taked hours to upload a video(something like 300 minutes : ( ) KH02 is used for placing spirits. The spirits you have will appear on the card.
  21. Yeah sure, but it will cost more time... but i'll try for the subtitles : ) (By the way, not all chinese can speak japanese, thery're different!)
  22. I'm planning to post walkthroughs on youtube, but each video upload is taking like 198 minutes : ( I'll do as fast as I can.
  23. I just came home from game store with my KH 3D!!!!! (I am currently living in Taiwan and it's about 5 pm here.) I have been on this site since months ago, but never participated in the forum... It is my first post on the forum and I would like to share some pictures (or maybe video) of the my walk through. Feel free to ask any requests or questions regarding to the game : D There might be some spoils!!! (I have warned you) P.S. I will respond you people as fast as I can, but don't be too mad about my slow act... Lets begin with the package!!! Front side of the package. Side of the package Back of the package Inside (with limited AR card!!!) Without the manual and stuff... (nice spirits!!!) The paper behind the boxes. Instructions and stuff. (I think the AR card of the right side is in every package...?) Backside of the AR card. I don't really like that they changed the small booklet to a piece of card... : ( Start menu on 3DS. This post is full so I will continue to post updates on my comments. (3/30) Comment 24: Opening & part 1 of the gameplay.
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