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Everything posted by Sejexs

  1. Did no one notice that Terra's story was the saddest I mean technically most of it his fault and in the end he lost everything including his own body. At least nobody is going around cray in ventus's body
  2. Maybe you're right but to be honest. I cant let Roxas go in my heart like that he has grown in all of us and to realize that we might never see him again in kh2 was hard enough. But I love roxas and will stand by his need to be his own person until otherwise said so.
  3. If you pull ven then you rip roxas roxas is rumored to be the fastest devoloper of his own heart partly because he may have been born with part of ventus's
  4. Question where is Bbs2 hinted in the videos I don't understand?
  5. But if you think about it Lea is only in this to save Roxas and Dion in the first place so if its like they cant come back then Lea falls out of the picture (Lea's always been more about his personal interests than the groups wellbeing as a whole)
  6. It cannot be so. In re:coded roxas is one of the people that Sora needs to save if what so then there is no way that fusing with Sora saves him from anything other than existing. And like data namine said all the memories of the people who are not physically Sora are crushing him which is why he failed the exam in the first place Roxas needs to leave and let Sora be Sora
  7. Acoording to some other members post it is assumed Yen Sid's Seven lights seem to be Sora, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Kairi and Aqua. But what about Terra Ventus Roxas and Dion?
  8. Yes but Lea and Axel have the same personality lived the same memories they are the same person but Roxas and Sora are a different case. Axel was born as Lea's leftovers while Roxas was born a being with no memories of his own Roxas in sense is tied to Sora physically but is emotionally completely seperate from what Sora has become. Which might be why they are having trouble coexisting in one body anyway.
  9. No matter how much Roxas wishes to stay with Sora like the rest of the Organization Roxas obtained a heart of his own. So Sora harboring Roxas is like Sora harboring Ventus even though part of Ventus was Sora's heart Ventus is in the process of fixing his just like Roxas will learn to fix his eventually and become his own being.
  10. I like this one. Nomura isn't stupid he wouldn't get rid of Roxas like that. and if Roxas "fused" what would become of Xion?
  11. Apparently its supposed to be a mash-up of the Bond of Flame and Frolic Flame keyblades
  12. looks like the nobodies were able to get new hearts after all. on their own. and Braig is already half of Xehanort! Man thats twisted stuff
  13. Probably because his ability to shift in the time frame depend on the use of this keyblade. Just taking a guess here
  14. It's funny if you think about it Lea is the Keyblade wielder with the most heart. I mean com on! He had emotions even when he was Axel
  15. Somebody should work on video translations for subtitles. Just saying. Please.
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