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Everything posted by Sejexs

  1. The other him huh? Anybody think maybe our heroes are time travelling or something? Like Riku and Mickey go to the past in the realm of darkness to get Aqua immediately after the ending of 0.2 so she doesn't get swallowed by darkness. Then Riku leaves his old Keyblade there for his past/younger self to begin the walk to the road to dawn? I know its a crazy theory.
  2. I don't think so mate, I think they're trying to save Roxas I think so him being a seeker of darkness seems a little sketchy.
  3. Nomura is very underestimated when it comes to making these games. But I think we might be seeing a release of 2.5 remix winter 2014 and kingdom hearts 3 fall 2015
  4. Isnt the point of the whole Xehanort thing for them to be equal in power. 13 darknesses and all
  5. I think Yen Sid might have done the ceremony with Axel
  6. I think the first two lines are just about he whole time travel thing and the third line for the final clash between the 7 and 13
  7. What are you guys doing? When I saw dream or drop I thought you were discussing 3D but what the hell is this?!
  8. Coming from the guy who plans on getting the Japanese version and just hitting the attack button Cu's he's too impatient
  9. No my profile picless friend in the translations Mickey counted himself riku Sora and the bbs trio on his fingers claiming they needed a seventh light.
  10. Mickey was only around during data sora's time in coded so he didn't really go anywhere and his abscence referred to his time in the realm of darkness
  11. I don't think so I think the final mix would reveal one of the "other xehanorts" in some manner. It only makes sense.
  12. I have a theory maybe the only way for a nobody and somebody to become one is for both to be eliminated so maybe later on Roxas will split and then sacrifice himself to be complete with Sora. That would be nice. Axel and Roxas should have a proper farewell.
  13. No Yen Sid and Mickey clearly stated that the bbs trio are a part of the seven lights. I mean come on. Xehanort said Sora was one of the 13 but he's one of the lights. Xehanort is probably smoking something. LMFAO
  14. Yeah according to what we've seen interworldly travel is almost instantaneous so Riku going to the islands and Axel going to the garden could be a quick process but who knows
  15. Tell me about it. Every time I get on and see spoiler I'm looking for a legit topic and see stuff like this. Fml
  16. Terra has been confirmed as one of the seven lights. just saying
  17. Guys big reveal here Xemnas is using Terra's body. plain and simple. Terra possesed by xehanort-->Terranort---->Xehanort---->Xemnas and SoD Xemnas is Xehanort body and in conclusion is Terra's body.
  18. The nightmare armor is Sora trapped in some kind of nightmare
  19. After the new translation of the ending it has been confirmed that Sora, Riku, Mickey, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua are the first six and then after watching the secret ending it has been confirmed that the last one is Kairi
  20. that's talk for kingdom hearts 3 not bbs2 you've got it all mixed up
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