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Cheshire Meløn

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Everything posted by Cheshire Meløn

  1. Thank god someone else said it directly. I was starting to think m post from several days ago got totally lost. After really thinking about it, and listening to a lot of other seasoned opinions, the "KH3:Ground Zeroes" scenario just seems the most realistic. Not to say I don't want DreamDropDistance D included, that would be stupendous and reasonable given what Nomura's said up to tis point. I'm just not going to sit here expecting that to be what this will be.
  2. If I really have to pick one, it's "Fate of the Unknown". Incredibly emotional, and honestly overlooked considering how perfect a set piece it presents. It not only samples all of Ven, Terra, and Aqua's themes, but also carries some of the main theme of the series (Dearly Beloved) embedded into the underlying melody, and has all of the powerful iconic sound that Yoko has become known for wit her KH music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0fZgEXdRmc&spfreload=10
  3. Not totally of-topic, but I watched Big Hero 6 again the other night, first time since the recent KH3 trailer.And all things considered, that movies aesthetic is almost 1:1 with the quality of the chessgame scenes. It's amazing to think games have come that far graphically, but it's also going to be a pleasure playing trough worlds so visually close in game to their actual movie sources.If they deliver on the whole "shaders adjusting to world movie viuals" thing, I might actually cry playing trough some of the 2D worlds.
  4. I probably wouldn't complain if there was a Frozen World in there at this point, so long as it's balanced out with enough varying other worlds.I appreciate both Big Hero 6 and Tangled getting in, but I don't want the game to be to heavy on the newer movies. The previous games had a nice balance in diversity and appreciation for new and old, both in terms of Disney and Square. There's a lot of great Disne movies and worlds that haven't even been touched yet.
  5. WAIT What if KH2.9 is Sora's 2nd Mark of Mastery Trialand KH3 takes place afterwards when he has his new costume and all. WHAT IF KH2.9 IS LIKE THE GROUND ZEROES TO KH3'S PHANTOM PAIN WHAT IF WE ALREADY HAVE SEEN KH2.9 IN THE TRAILERS AND WE DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE
  6. It's a dream, so it's all what he perceives. When Ven sees Aqua and Terra, the body becomes Ventus. While Sora himself has the mental image of himself, these are the KH3D clothes (it's almost like what his soul looks like). However, in reality he looks his age, a la KH2. In the world that never was, he himself was his current age, wearing the current clothes, so while his dream state in TWTNW is in the KH3D costume, his memories all portray him as he remembers himself. tl;dr it's all in his head. Dreams do not need coherent imagery.
  7. So, a little about myself: I'm a Character Designer and Animator/Illustrator by trade, with migratory tendencies and a decent hand in both Musical Composition and Game development. I've been on the KH scene since the advent of the original game, and have played every subsequent version since (Some for better, some for worse). I love the characters, the lore, and above all else, the games sheer amount of STYLE. While I can't pinpoint it as an immediate influence on my work, I'd be lying to myself to say over the years it hasn't shaped me creatively as a visual artist and as a story-teller in some form. So that's me, in a very basic little nutshell.
  8. Droppin' the Dreams

    1. replika13


      the Dream drops from distance

    2. Cheshire Meløn

      Cheshire Meløn

      Distantly Dreaming some Drops

  9. I've literally been on KH13 since the beginning, I've just never made an account. I'm Søda Meløn, though some call me "Cheshire". Either is fine, really.
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