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About sorariku17

  • Birthday 11/10/1994

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  1. well, just completed KH3D on proud mode....the storyline was amazing. voicework was really good too, you could tell HJO is getting better, his emotion in his voice really touches you. Of to beat the final boss again. to unlock the secret ending, then gonna play on critical mode ^^. Wish me luck guys :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sorariku17


      lol its fast? i rushed through the storyline part and only got to roughly 37-39. and i missed half my dream eaters etc, i did it solely just to get cutscenes and stuff. as for uploading the secret ending, i can try. firstly i gotta unlock it. i never got round to redoing the last boss battle. x.x

    3. KeyBladeMaster01


      Will you try to beat the secret boss?

    4. sorariku17


      yeah, i am going to try. i just wanted to do it on critical. for the hardest challange, and i am not doing the new game + so i need to start from scratch with dream eaters, to make it even harder. xD

  2. since KHIIFM? and BBS? also you could be level 1 in coded, and level one in 365/2 days too. all of the new games have critical sort of things (level 1 challenges etc) so i am assuming this has the same. BTW got my game.....its fun! and so beautiful
  3. I am assuming critical will come with zero exp attached? hopefully! i love level one challenges
  4. but you gotta laugh when he gets beat up by soras RC command! oh and btw...i am getting my game tomorrow .....so..WHO WANTS SPOILERS! ill have a thread ready and waiting to spoil everyone....... just kidding, i wouldn't do that to you all. still, i wish it was a international release, because i actually DO want to speak about it to everyone.
  5. if you ever played or saw KH2FM fight of him...you'll understand......he casts doom on you. kinda. plus he acts like a reaper etc.
  6. the person where i heard my story from, it wasn't you.
  7. hmm, maybe the person i read got mixxed up then, but w/e.
  8. isn't the game coming tomorrow? who has it early!?!?!?! ill murder them. for it. oh and ive beat the first boss of the game (demo) does that count?
  9. for the plan 3, Ansem never went back in time because they failed i am certain that he went back in time because destiny islands was already done for from the start, and he wanted to warn so the xehanort you see today, kinda is him. maybe not, but i am sure i read that somewhere.
  10. lol yeah, if i was doing a level 1 challenge....and the dream eater boss was taking like 10 thousand years to kill, and then the dream gauge came and all i had was 30 seconds.....left and it still had 2 bars left, and then i dropped and came back to see that it had full hp. I'd be pissed.
  11. hmm, probs. but i liked the old flaw. dropping inbetween a boss fight, and having to start again, it gives us a challenge and also. gives us the chance to plan ahead etc. i am 100% certain thats what they were planning to do at first because its such a easy thing to fix. nomura must have wanted us to have that challenge, hence why when they fixxed it, i was pissed off like hell.
  12. all i have to say is......AMAZON DISPATCHED MY KH3D!!!!! xD so hyper now.....got my therhythm the day after dispatched. so i should get KH....=3

  13. narutos author (forgot the name) is a huge DBZ fan, he based naruto from DBZ. so technically, naruto is DBZ prodigy . also, goku would firetruck Naruto up , and yes, whoever made this video, does have a problem's with spelling, doesn't mean you call him a tard , hes just stating his own mind and opinion, even though those points are pointless due to goku being just as "powerful" the person has a point. awesome comes from slow which is now used towards people who can't help them selfs, due to being disabled. i don't mind people using it as "this video is so awesome", but using it towards a person, is disrespecting special needs people, people who can't walk etc. not that i should say stop, because its your choice.
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