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Everything posted by Decimo

  1. I don't think he's going to become one. But maybe KH3 will end with him deciding to retake the exam.
  2. That's what I assumed, but asking is always fun. I prefer Barry to Wally myself. Jay Garrick is pretty good, too (New Earth, though, not the Earth 2 version).
  3. Marvel ones aren't either but they're doing great. DC just needs to do a reality check and try to make a good movie, whatever it's accurate or not.
  4. Hal Jordan is my favorite DC character, but I'd understand if they didn't want to use him again. Kyle would be my second choice, but they'd need to give him a new origin since obliviously they can't imply Emerald Dawn happened. Bah.
  5. That's because it's just a recolor of the model of Ventus' armor, which I can get behind. If Sora gets his own Keyblade Armor, it'll probably be heavily influenced by the design of Ventus' own one, but I'd love it if they also added details that recall Vanitas.
  6. If I have to wait six years, that Green Lantern movie better be damn good.
  7. Found the original model: here. Yeah, I don't like the colors at all; all the canon Keyblade Armors have pretty dull color schemes, while this one is way too bright.
  8. It uses the Kingom Key's colors but they're not used in a visually pleasant way. I wonder if the person who made that MMD model posted pictures of how the armor looks on all sides. khfan02, could you post a link to the creator of the image?
  9. Those are some awful colors for Sora's Keyblade Armor.
  10. It's kind of hilarious how Larxene is probably the most well written female character in the series. I like her as a character but hate her as a person.
  11. You're approaching the problem wrong; what you have to do is ignore them. More often then not when people are convinced of that they don't care about whatever they're wrong or not.
  12. The joke flew right over your head. It wasn't important, don't worry.
  13. *pinches your cheeks* Happy birthday, young man.
  14. The joke you were making, yes. But the "heaps of fans" KittensOnFire is referring to most likely are 腐女子 who either purposefully or not misinterpret the scene.
  15. I agree, but I feel like pointing out that both of those comics were drawn by Japanese fans, so they find those scenes funny as well.
  16. I always assume what they actually mean is "What's most important to you between these?".
  17. To win the trophy you need to never change your and your party's weapon and equipments. That includes temporary party members. I can literally hear it in my head in his voice.
  18. Why does work never end, all I want to do is play videogamessssss

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      I know... I know *hugs* *sobs*

    2. Decimo


      *hugs and cries on your shoulder*

      I miss my old job, I had plenty of free time and I earned enough to buy all the videogames I wanted.

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