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Everything posted by Decimo

  1. Unless you're a journalist endorsed by an important Japanese magazine, I don't see why Nomura would use his (probably little) free time to talk with you about his work.
  2. If you re-read and at least fixed your spelling mistakes this would be easier to read.
  3. A good New 52 book is Justice League 3000. You should check out Batman Beyond 2.0 as well, it's really good and makes up for the fact the previous BB comics were awful despite having such good source material. The Infinite Crisis comic (based on the game) can be really fun because of the alternate versions of the characters. Leaving DC and cape comics, Image has a really good comic going on called Nailbiter, it's about serial killers and has been really interesting so far (six issues are out).
  4. It takes literally less than a minute to do an edit like that on Photoshop.
  5. Having a clear idea of your plot and characters is good. I went into my first Nano with no preparation at all and it didn't take long until getting words out was like pulling teeth, with how much you need to write a day there's no time to stop and plot during November.
  6. Finally made coffee, but I slipped and spilled some of it on the floor
  7. I actually prefer normal homemade coffee.
  8. Didn't they teach you that once is enough?
  9. How the hell did this meme even start? Also, ah! Riku would totally be the pregnant one, anyway.
  10. I had never realized how many Xion haters were on this forum.
  11. Yes, Google for some reason (certainly a mistake) has it flagged as potentially unsafe, all you need to do it pick whichever option your browser offers you to proceed anyway.
  12. There is: Camp NaNoWriMo.
  13. My neighbour (professional cook), just rang my doorbell and offered me freshly made omelettes. いただきます~

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      Now decimo will ring back his neighbour's doorbell and おかわり!ww

    2. Decimo


      I might or might not be waiting until I smell something delicious coming from his house before I return the plate to him.

    3. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      "Hello! I came to return your plate, but on secong thought, I think I want to use it again."

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. This will be my seventh or eighth year doing Nano, and since I alternate between writing original and fanfic for it, this time around I'm writing a fanfiction. I don't have a full plot yet, though.
  15. Dude, Kairi, I think you need to get it checked, there's a void in between your legs which I'm pretty sure isn't healthy or normal.
  16. More wishful thinking than anything else, but I hope before the end of 2016.
  17. My favorite is still the KH1's magic system because I prefer the classic "magic points" system, but commands aren't bad. KH2's magic system was awful because there was no clear and quick way to know how many magic you had and how much each magic cost.
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