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Everything posted by Decimo

  1. Who said it didn't work on Axel? Xemnas clearly says the members of the previous Organization XIII were found unsuitable for hosting Xehanort's heart, as in "we realize it wouldn't have worked", not that they tried and it failed. We'd get to see Xehanort's balding process as it progresses!
  2. Who do you think are the currently unknown members of the new Organization XIII? Currently confirmed: - Master Xehanort - Young Xehanort - Ansem, Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless - Xemnas/Xehanort's Nobody - Xigbar - Saix Uncertain: - The thirteenth member, originally meant to be Riku, was later changed to Sora. Master Xehanort attempted to give him a fragment of his heart, but Lea appeared at the last moment rescuing Sora. Now, considering how amazing hearts in the Kingdom Hearts universe are, being able to do all sort of stuff, travelling through space included, I personally doubt some flames could stop one. As of now, I would consider unconfirmed whatever Xehanort succeeded or not into making Sora his thirteenth vessel. - Riku's replica, who does appear during the story, but isn't seen with his hood down at TWTNW. Speculation: - Terra, who is probably the other person Xehanort was referring to when he told the King "But Sora and another on your list belong to me now.". I think there's a possibility that an amnesiac Terra might be one of the thirteen. - Vanitas, who should technically be inside Sora's heart along with Ventus. Xehanort might have given him a fragment of his heart not long after he was born, making him the first of his vessels.
  3. I'd be more concerned about the lack of work if it didn't give me a chance to stay at home and play KH3D all day.

  4. Riku seems to have more bosses, but I didn't count them, it's just an impression. The dive bosses are generally just annoying as heck, but not hard per se.
  5. Having gotten the game two days prior to the release I actually finished it on the release date. Now that I unlocked Critical Mode I'm replaying on that difficulty.
  6. This is in Japanese, but it has pictures so you should be able to use it anyway: http://khdays.game-cmr.com/3d/data/world/toravas.html The links under the first header are to the maps of the other worlds (the one linked is Traverse Town).
  7. I see no point in playing a game if I don't go for 100% completion!
  8. Got my Side Sora novel in the mail! I took pictures of all illustrations: http://fideo.tumblr.com/post/27690035980/i-got-my-side-sora-novel-today-so-im-sharing-the

    1. SquareSora


      do u know when side riku is coming out?

    2. Decimo


      The slip on the cover says that Sie Riku is coming out in August.

    3. SquareSora


      thats good news

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  9. I just realized that I finished the whole game without figuring out how I was supposed to increase the rank of my Dream Eaters...

  10. Why am I bothering with Proud Mode anymore? *starts a new file in Critical*

    1. Yang



    2. Khrulesbbs
  11. Almost done with KH3D. I was hoping to have it finished by now, but I wasted time playing with my Dream Eaters...

    1. SoraKH


      O awesome xD

    2. blinxhero
    3. Decimo


      Skull Noise, Guardian Bell, Ferris Gear, Dual Disc, Knockout Punch, All for One, Counterpoint. I don't have the ones for completing all portals, though. I'll work on that later.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  12. What does it mean when Dream Eaters glow?

    1. zephyrbreeze


      Still is a spoiler to some of us! xP

    2. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      Well it's not a major one like how the game ends

    3. venxas24


      but some people want the whole experience to be new

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  13. Reality Shift at The Grid is confusing...

    1. Decimo


      That's easy to say. I really don't get what that target change or whatever combination does.

    2. Imoore4
    3. Decimo


      Switch Target. That's the one, when I use it nothing seems to happen.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  14. Of course the first thing Lea worries about the second he wakes up is "Where's Roxas?"...

    1. Rob


      I don't recall that being said in the trailer, so looking at the spoiler policy on the homepage......thanks.

    2. Decimo


      I didn't realize it was a spoiler. Isn't Lea waking up in the trailer already?

    3. zephyrbreeze


      He wakes up in the trailer but he never says that in the trailer.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  15. I didn't even pay attention to it... are chest located in the same spots for both Sora and Riku?

    1. Decimo


      To everybody getting their DDD copies only now: don't forget to read the Dream Eaters profiles as soon as you see new ones, they're ridiculously funny.

  16. Got home from work early! Time for more DDD... I just keep using Riku because he looks so good with bat wings~

  17. Dropping during fights makes me so nervous.

  18. The Fourth District is beautiful!

  19. Maybe doing my first playthrough in Proud mode wasn't such a good idea.

    1. Shana09


      I am going to proud mode for the challenge.

      It's going to be sweet.

    2. Decimo


      I'm being penalized because I want to hurry up and play as much as possible since I will be working in the weekend, so I'm not grinding. I am sure that with some minimal grinding Proud mode will be as easy as in the other games.

    3. Shana09



      I was going for proud mode since the demo was super easy (I am pretty sure they put it in Beginners mode) also I want a challenge. Not a one minute fight.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  20. Flowmotion can get so distracting! I keep forgetting where to go weeeee

    1. venxas24


      it looks AWESOME

  21. It took me five whole minutes only to find a nice name for my Wond- I mean, Meow Wow.

    1. Ienzo88755


      I'm going to name mine Fluffy!

  22. English KH3D get! Gonna start playing now!

    1. rikufan25


      Why are you still online? GO PLAY IT!!!

    2. Imoore4


      Record the gameplay?

    3. Decimo


      I don't have any way to record it, sadly. I don't own a camera and I wouldn't know how to do it using my laptop's webcam.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  23. My KH3D copy is ready to be picked up!

    1. Decimo


      I live in Italy. The shop just texted me to say I can go pick it up today! So lucky I'm having today off work.

    2. SoraKH



    3. Ienzo88755


      I wish I was you!!

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