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Everything posted by KH~LoOover*

  1. OoOoh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I wish you all the happiness in the world http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  2. Of course no! I love the Video Games, It's my interest.. It's the most important thing that makes me feel happy in my free fime http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png And I'll keep playing Video Games till the end of my life http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  3. Hio^^ welcome to the site^^ hope you'll enjoy with us ^____^
  4. hee hee^^ it seems like the others too thanks^^
  5. Woow! It has to be a beautiful moment .. You're very lucky, I wish it may happen with me someday.. anyway.. congrats
  6. hehee^^ how didn't you see him^^ He was runnin' with Riku.. ^______^
  7. Me me me me!!! I love Sanctuary sooooooo much^^ it's a reallllllllllllly nice song^^ It's the greatest song of KH^^
  8. Hmm, I remember that I was searching for KH news and manga and I opened Sooo many sites but I didn't like them, then I found this site and I had what I wanted from it^^.. then after one year of this discovering I decided to become one of the members^^.. I LOOOOOOOVE THIS SITE!!!
  9. Nope, I'm not afraid of death but I get very sad to see the others died in front of my site. I believe in our God "Allah" and I do all the things that he ordered us to do. So even if I died, I won't be afraid. But I don't wanna see anyone go to hell, that's really sad http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png
  10. IT's really beautiful^^ I liked it ^^ keep goin' girl!!
  11. It's not very big deal, don't be upset. I don't have a 3DS to play the game so I watch it on the site.. Maybe if I was you, I'll be upset for a short time.. but don't be sad Okay? ^^
  12. Hello with us^^ WELCOME TO THE SITE!!! I wish that you'll be happy here^^
  13. Mmm, the 3 favorite animes for me are : Black Cat. Sugar Sugar Rune. Vampire Knight. I love these ones^^
  14. I would ask myself, if I had changed or not. If I became and did the job I wanted. And Am I still love painting^^
  15. My favorite band is CRUSH 40, they're awesome because of their hard rook songs specially for SONIC!!! And also I like songs of other bands or singer just like KH & FF songs ^^ but the best one is Gackt from FFVII-Dirge Of Cerberus- And Sanctuary from KH II ^^
  16. thanks^^, I'll try in the other drawings^^
  17. Hio! How are ya guys^^ this is a new collection of my latest newest drawings^^ They're all painted by my hands^^ I hope that you'll like them, SO LET'S ROLL!! . This is the first one is for the hero of my new story ((Bridge Of Wars)) his name is "Ice". http://i.cubeupload.com/sUmRBc.jpg . This is for Joshua from TWEWY. http://i.cubeupload.com/32CNAh.jpg . And this one is for Shiki also from TWEWY, This one I painted yesterday and I tried to copy the style of Tetsuya Nomura's art. This is the real one: http://i.cubeupload.com/dil23Q.jpg And this is my drawing^^: http://i.cubeupload.com/K1imDq.jpg . And those are some of my characters of my story "Alley Death". The two heroes are Yukiko & Sora ((They are brothers and Sora is a King, Yuikiko is a Queen of a different Kingdom)) Sora is very similar to Sora in Kingdom Hearts as you can see^^ http://i.cubeupload.com/NHyBbY.jpg . Yukiko(( THE Queen Style)) http://i.cubeupload.com/jHT201.jpg Yukiko ((The natural Style)) http://i.cubeupload.com/HAakNp.jpg . This is Sakarina, another one from Alley Death and she is the leader of the Doctors team in Yukiko's Kingdom: http://i.cubeupload.com/DKSoaj.jpg . Those are Xinda and Adnix, they're from the same story and they're twins^^ http://i.cubeupload.com/O0NI77.jpg . And this is Sora from Kingdom Hearts^^ http://i.cubeupload.com/UCdwqn.jpg . And the last one is for the three heroes of Kingdom Hearts. Sora, Riku and Kairi!!! http://i.cubeupload.com/JmQx8Z.jpg . and that's all!! hope you liked them^^ I'm waiting for your replies and your advices^^
  18. Mmm, so maybe the wrong is with your personality, but don't think that you're not important. You just do anything that may make you feel good like watching something on TV maybe, or anything else, just be a litte happier and Smile^^
  19. And don't ever think that you're not important, if you're sad or anything else just come here and talk to a friend and I'm sure that this will make you happier. I sometimes really get upset but I go so fast to draw something or write some of my Six stories hehee^^ and I turn to happy^^. So if you like doing something very much like a hobby or anything, just do it and I'm sure you'll feel better. And thanks for "XIIISwords" ^^, you're right about religion but everyone can ask Our God Allah for anything he wants and if it was good for him he'll make it real and if it's not you'll see after a while why is that. I wish that you'll be happier than now Sir.Ertyx, Smile like that one .
  20. I'm really sorry for you and your life. But still, there's something in your heart you just have to remove it. Look, I was very verrrrrrrrrrry gloomy person in the last year. I was sooo cold and just in some little times I get happy, and the thing that made me like that sad way was the SCHOOL and the people around me. One day, my cousin and I had a fight and never talked with her any other time until the last April and we returned as we were before because I removed the barrier that faced me. The thing that made me remove that barrier of Sadness and gloom was my believe in Allah. If you really want to remove anything that make you sad, Make A Pray for Allah our God and say everything in your heart like you're talking with Allah, then back to yourself and talk with it and if you did something wrong just vow that you'll never do it again. When I did these things, believe me I'm now an another person.
  21. yeah, me too! I wish that Vince will appear but I don't think that the'll make it real for us, but sometimes I told myself that if SE made Neku and the others in TWEYW appear in KH 3D, maybe we'll see Vince too^^
  22. wow!! you're really talented! man, sora and kairi are looking like the same ones^^ go ahead and reach "the great painter" man!!
  23. hehee, that's right^^
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