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Greek Kingdom Hearts Fan

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About Greek Kingdom Hearts Fan

  • Birthday 04/16/1994

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  1. My computer was 8 years old..it gave up and crashed completely a few months ago, so I finally decided to buy a new PC on March
  2. So is this something like "Create your own keyblade master and join a guild for an epic adventure today!" kind of thing? Or is it a Mafia Wars or w/e kind of thing?
  3. Final Fantasy worlds and Final Fantasy party members. I think it's time for that.
  4. The HD collection of previous titles doesn't sound bad. It was to be expected anyway. What surprised me is that PC browser title. It's unlike anything this series has ever given us, but we'll see how it goes. Besides, it's on the PC. We'll probably be able to pirate it easily and not actually have to buy new consoles for a single game.
  5. I would want only these games -> KH1, Chain of Memories, KH2, Birth By Sleep, KH3.
  6. I haven't played Coded and I don't plan to. I watched the cutscenes on youtube and it looks boring. Like many people have said already, it has very few to offer story-wise. Everything Coded stands for could be compacted in a secret ending in one of the other games. However, I have played Chain of Memories and it made me want to bash the screen in with my head. The card system was horrible. It didn't make any firetrucking sense at all and even my strongest attacks were cockblocked. It took me AGES to beat Vexen. I actually had to restart the whole game, because the leveling system was so stupid. I haven't beaten Marluxia yet and I don't think I ever will. I'm not willing to see reasonably powerful attacks being blocked because a pink haired man divided by zero or whatever. Story-wise, I wasn't impressed, but Chain of Memories was very important to connect the events of KH1 and KH2, so... Coded, you're the weakest link.
  7. Nai, swsto ki auto, isws to vroume sto internet! Yoho yoho a pirate's life for me...
  8. You don't know how much I agree with that! Buying a PS3 instead would be a better choice, since there are many interesting titles for that console, plus it has many nice extra features, like the network etc. But then again...I'm such a hardcore KH fan that I would totally buy Nintendo 3DS just for KH3D, if I could afford it of course.
  9. Πιστεύω πως όχι, γι'aυτό είπa ότι δεν θa μπορέσω νa το aποκτήσω! Bέbaιa ποτέ δεν ξέρεις σίγουρa, aλλά aμφιbάλλω ότι η Ελλaδίτσa μaς θa πάρει κaι έξτρa υλικό, εδώ με το ζόρι μaς έρχοντaι τa baσικά.
  10. Yes, but I thought I might as well add my opinion about consoles as well, even though it was slightly off topic. I don't believe KH3 will be on PS3, sadly. Where would you like to see KH3?
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