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Everything posted by Xion1910

  1. That happened to me a while ago too DX got about 30 minutes in before anybody noticed I was there though .
  2. To be honest, I don't mind how long they take on the games, if anything the longer the better I say. But It's just annoying that they keep bringing them up but not actually confirming the final product is actually being made for real, especially for FFXV, it's like they keep changing their mind on it, at first it was going to be a new release for the PS3, but now it's going to be a new release for the PS4 :? Making a game is a hard and I agree that they should get as much time as they need to finish it, but come on square, if your going to release information, don't leave it for a whole year (or even more) just like last time. I guess that's what happens when you try to do two things at once.
  3. Depends what's on offer at the time really, I've spent the last few months just trying to find a job available (I too am trying to save up for a PS4 ) If I were you I'd start of looking for simple part-time jobs in any local shops as a shop assistant. Its nearly christmas so if your lucky there might be some temporary jobs around at the moment. Good luck with your job hunting!
  4. The release date was supposed to be the 13th of september for Europe but mine came on the 12th really early in the morning? Either I'm just really lucky or there was a different date for England did anyone else pre-order their copy from GAME and if so did it come early for you too?
  5. I finished re-editing pic 2 slightly (only a little bit) but I'm still editing pic 3 again and will re upload it as soon as it's finished
  6. Yeah that's probably be the best thing to do, I did think that just before I posted it Thanks
  7. Here's my three designs I made shirt reference for all of them and the first one has different colour variations. I didn't use any copyrighted images, everything was drawn by me.
  8. Is it ok if I enter more than one pic? although some are just alternative designs
  9. To make an Xbox One version and not a Wii U version is kinda stupid, most of the games have been on nintendo and they should stick to it, yeah the graphics on the Wii U arn't the same as PS4 but they should atleast respect that alot of the KH fanbase will want it on the Wii U.
  10. I'll join the restoration committee! A few new ideas could liven up the site alot, since I go on here practicaly every day it'd be nice to see some new stuff so I'm totally in! ^^
  11. Although the PS4 has been announced, KH3 will probably still be made for the PS3 (otherwise the HD collections would be kinda pointless as the're supposed to bring all the KH games into one console) however there is a chance that it will be on both the PS4 and PS3 since the game 'Destiny' was annouced for both consoles. (so it is possible) and Square Enix said that they would support the PS4 so hopefully it will be for both.
  12. Well if they do decide to remove it I hope they replace it with another world (as bad as that world was I don't want the game to be any shorter )
  13. That was the resturant where you catch your own fish right? we went past it but didn't eat there but I'll definetly try that if I go again
  14. I did already posted the pictures as a repley but anyway here they are! There will be more pics cooming soon I'll be uploading more pics from the rest of my trip to japan to my Deviantart account ('KingdomCosplay') and Youtube account (KCosplay).
  15. Ok here are some pictures of he showcase! Will have more up soon (still getting them of another camera ) If anyone is interested in seeing more pics of my trip to Japan then just head over to my youtube 'KCosplay' or my Deviant art Channel 'KingdomCosplay' where you can find the pictures (Still creating the video for my youtube channel so just bare with me on that and I'll have it uploaded soon )
  16. Will have some pics up soon , just gotta get them off the camera first (It hates my computer D:) I'll probably make a short slidshow for it on youtube since there's some mashed up clips too, I'll post a link when it's done ^^
  17. Nomura is only trying his best to improve the series, at least we get a HD remake personaly I don't care how much it costs I'm a dedicated fan to the end
  18. Me and my sister went with our college on a trip to Japan last week !, It had been planned for a while so I arranged a day when we could go to the Square Enix Showcase shop in Shinjuku and luckly we mannaged to find the shop on the day Sadly on the same day we went to the shop we found out that they are closing down on the 25th of November and haven't announced anything about re-opening I'm just glad it didn't close down before we went (that would have been dissapointing to spend 12 hours on a plane and not get their ) We also went around other parts of Tokyo but I'll post a video about that later on my Youtube account (KCosplay)
  19. Well since KH 1.5 HD hasn't come out yet I can't really vote for it, but I've played the HD Sly trilogy so i'm gonna vote for that
  20. Xemnas throws skyscrapers at All the Norts
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