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  1. I'd actually be ok with it releasing as visual novels or a small animation series. But the game doesn't actually look all that fun to me ^^"
  2. Social Media team sounds like a great fit! Well for me anyways. I'm shocked it only has one vote! (My own)
  3. The last time I was there, I saw some KH Merch at Mitsukoshi in Epcot. They also had FF stuff!
  4. Yeah, the upped specs on the new 3ds has made some exclusives. The new Xenoblade chronicles remake is one of them :(But back to the KH, I think it'd make for a great downloadable title on PS3. I doubt it'd be too large of a file. And they'd all be on one system
  5. 日本住人見っけ!

  6. I'm happy about being born in Japan, but I sometimes wish I was raised in France like my mother. Being the only white person in your school your whole life is somewhat difficult. Also, I wasn't often taken seriously because I am not ethnically Japanese. But at the same time, I love my country and have so many experiences, beliefs, and opportunities that wouldn't be possible anywhere else in the world.
  7. How about NES? Could you imagine a kingdom hearts game being put into an 8-bit format?! That'd be really cute!
  8. I actually like her non-KH songs tons more ^^"
  9. Make Chain of Memories have a similar play style to any other game in the series. The card battles are the only reason why it's my least favourite.
  10. I liked Aqua's the most because I played her last. So I got the whole "everything is fitting together!" feeling. You know, like that feeling when you get the last clue in a mystery and you're like, "oh yeah, I know what's up now." Weird feeling to explain, but I hope it's understood! 笑笑笑
  11. I'd like land of departure. you know, before it got all destroyed and junk. after that...twilight town is a close second.
  12. I really only used both for the completion (getting max levels, finishers, etc) so I used D-Links more simply because there are more of them.^^"
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