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Everything posted by SinHeartlessAngel

  1. I have the secret ending, but when i was in the credits, i got "Secret Message Unlocked" Where exactly is that and i know when the credits were going, all the charecter has letters next to them, and i didnt get a chance to get all the letters, do you happen to know?
  2. "Story" Says 77% - am i missing something, i have already beaten the game. its been at 77 since ive beaten it.
  3. I used exactly this and i beat him the first timeDark Splicer Shadowbreaker Blizzard edge Drop me not Curaga x3
  4. Just beat Secrett boss for sora :D

  5. OMFG I just beat Secret boss lvl 61 on proud mode, using mega flaire, firaga burst, ballon, 2 curagas and drop me nots, that was so intense

    1. SinHeartlessAngel


      Its what i had that was effective against him. it might be bad, but i beat him didn't I? first try, on purpose lol


    2. Khrulesbbs


      also high level :P

    3. SinHeartlessAngel


      Its on proud, and i bet if i didnt use those commands, i would of never done it, so the commands i had got the job done. doesnt matter if its the best deck in the world, as long as it beat him im happy :)

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  6. OK lol Kairi and ven were in soras heart. (namine was made when kairis heart went into soras?) and since ven was in soras, her hair was probably blonde because ven and kairi was in soras heart. LOL I have no clue what im talking about. this game can get so confusing at times. but yeah, theres my theory thats probably extremely invalid
  7. I dont know if it would be kairi, because mickey was supprised to see kairi, which means he didnt know she was yen sid needed, her. so it wasnt on mickeys mind. lol i thought it was kairi to at first, and it could be
  8. I think lea. not sure though. most likely wrong.
  9. I was also thinking that, because i think that FM attacks were too overpowered .-.
  10. It would of been awesome if you could lvl up fm attacks, like shock dive, you could make the range bigger or have a zero gravity effect that sent the nightmares that didn't die into the air and things like that. or you could have elemental effects like fire, thunder, blizzard in the attacks, that would cause extra damage. Do you guys think that they could add something like that in 3 or have you ever thought of this, or thought of ideas. just curious
  11. Finished it on the 3rd day after release
  12. I like them both equally, even thought KH is my favorite series. i just think its stupid to compare 2 different games, and say one is better than the other just because there different in gameplay and story. there not ment to be the same game.
  13. thats not wut its for, but i like the feeling of having all the abbilities, makes my character feel all powered up and awesome, idk its just me lol
  14. making a keyblade lol. out of cardboard, and electrical tape, its acctually looking legit, and not a fail xD im making it as realistic as possible :D SO EXCITED

    1. TheDarKris
    2. SinHeartlessAngel


      Why would i wish it was a drawing... but anyways, i would rather make one, feels more special. and more fun :D

    3. TheDarKris


      I have 5 cut-out from wood, 3 custom designed, haven't worked on them in 2 years xP

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  15. I want to get all the abilites, and since you can only have the stat ability if the spirit is in your party, which 3 can give you all of them?
  16. Get them so you feel good about yourself. thats what ime doing, and because im aiming for 100% and once your strong enough anyways, you can use whatever keyblade, whatever the stats lol
  17. J-rock-pop and some k-pop. everything that can be described as electronic. rock metal pop. everything pretty much except rap and country.
  18. I got that too, i re:defeated all bosses, and got all HP boost. so yeah, i think thats the max.
  19. Ive seen lots of first days of school xD mines not till 10 days... man

  20. I dont feel like the handheld games would be in a collections. but if this was true, i would cry so hard
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