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Everything posted by clatter411

  1. Yeah he's poorly designed. Any battle that you spend the majority of dodging and waiting for a thin window to use thunder surge is broken. Challenging is KH1 Sephiroth, The Unknown, the lingering Will, or the Data Organozation battles. They're fun, there's more than one single boring strategy to beat them, you can pull off combos, and there aren't any "instakill" attacks.
  2. This really comes down to why you play the Kingdom Hearts series. Some people play it for the gameplay, but others like me play it purely for the story. What bothers me about the game is that it's completely unnecessary and adds nothing to the overall story. This entire game could have been avoided and they could have said "King Mickey discovered some interesting information in Jiminy's Journal left behind by Namine etc and that's why he wrote the letter to Sora." Plus the hidden information in Jiminy's journal was something everyone already knew from the bbs secret ending anyway.
  3. I usually look at the game more from a story perspective than a gameplay perspective and based on story, I think it was the second worst game (Recoded added virtually nothing to the story). I think it is a good game simply to explore Roxas' character arc and how he came to leave the organization. But I think it was handled poorly. Xion as a character is only a plot device and even then not a good one as Roxas could have easily gone against the organization without her being there at all. I don't really understand why people obsess about her haha. One of the things that really bothered me about the game is that if didn't take the opportunity to really dive into each of the organization members personalities and histories. This was the one game where that could have been explored and it barely did this at all. Ultimately it was an "okay" game. I don't think the game is really worth being to excited about as its story is self contained and none of its story elements effect the other games in the series.
  4. She's definitely one of the protagonists, but I think the game is just as much about Ventus and Terra as it is about her. True she does have a lot more screen time (probably because she's the best of the three lol) but I think this is because one of the characters needed to wrap things up and as the master and arguably the most mature/qualified of the three she fit the bill.
  5. There hasn't been enough information about 2.8 yet for me to actually believe it'll come out this year as much as I would like it to. Until they have shown more gameplay or cutscene clips specifically from 0.2 and Back Cover to show their progress it'll be hard to believe that it's near completion. Even on the off chance that it is almost finished, I also think the release date of this game will depend heavily on the development of KH3. If KH3 is going to be released in 2017 then that makes it more likely 2.8 will be released this year. But I can easily see them delaying it's release till 2017 if KH3 will take till 2018. Either way, as long as I can get a trailer where Aqua turns around and shows her face I'll be happy.
  6. Here's the thing, I am worried about the fact that the Osaka team is making this game because they certainly do have their flaws. I want to believe in them, and I sincerely hope that they prove me wrong but I have not seen anything thus far that gives me too much hope. Of the games they have done Bbs was certainly better than DDD (I have a huge list of issues with this game in particular both gameplay and story wise), but until they can show me that they are learning by not making the same mistakes they have made before, I'm not going to pretend that I fully support them.
  7. Honestly yes, I am worried. Not only is the unbalanced gameplay, forgettable bosses, and heavy feeling combos a problem, but also the presentation of the story bothers me to. While Nomura does come up with the story, the team creates the cut scenes and is basically responsible for how the story is presented to the players. I can't quite put it into words well but the cut scenes feel off and do not give the same impact as the scenes from KH1 and KH2. Also, the way they handled the remixes wasn't very good either. There are othr problems I have, such as the lack of NPCs in the worlds, but that might just be due to the limitations of the 3DS and PSP. Some might say that I should give them a chance, and I really want to try, but unfortunately nothing they have ever shown me has given me the confidence to believe that they will make KH3 or 2.8 for that matter as good as the Tokyo team could have. I hope that I am proven wrong.
  8. Alright so I have a few things that would probably ruin the game for me and some are unpopular haha.1. Fan service. People love Xion and Lea and while they do need their stories resolved they cannot be overly focused on or given special treatment because they are fan favorites. (I still think Lea should have stayed dead after his "death" in KH2 and Xion dead after Days as well as Roxas and Namine being done after the end of KH2. A sad end to their story has more of an impact on players. Being revived eliminates the sacrifice of their initial death.)2. A ton of people want multiple playable characters. I want this to be kept to a minimum. While sometimes it's good for explaining another side of the story, I really do think the story should stay focused around sora. If there's a little section of playing as Riku, or Terra, Ven, or Aqua that's fine, but it shouldn't be a huge part of the game. the game can focus on other characters without needing us to play as them.3. Stupid worlds or worlds that won't fit. No Disney channel shows, no Marvel, and no Star Wars. I don't think they fit kingdom hearts at all.4. If the majority of the loose ends aren't tied up5. If they eliminate the world specific party members. I think being in a party with Aladdin in Agrabah or Ariel in Atlantica is awesome. It's charming and cute. If they eliminated party members or took that feature out, the world in the game would feel disconnected from the events of the story somehow.6. If anyone else revives from the dead. It doesn't matter who dies, you have to stay dead.I'll add more if I think of any.
  9. All of these sound fantastic so far! I won't name ones people already mentioned. Personally id like to see each world have more life in them. In most kh games the worlds either have a few npcs to fill out a world or none at all. The worlds only seem to be inhabited by heartless or the world specific characters. And some times those characters don't even appear outside of cutscenes. I'd like to see many more npcs that walk around town and interact. People bartering perhaps about what's going on in their world, shopping, going about their daily lives. Children maybe playing tag, splashing in fountains, or exploring.. Birds, dogs, cats and other animals. Anything that really makes the world feel populated and alive. Secondly I'd like more environment sounds. They've done this a bit in the past but I'd like to hear birds chirping, water dripping, light breezes, background chatter, pretty much anything that adds to the realism. Thirdly, have all backgrounds be rendered and not images. In kh1 for example, if sora is standing at the top of the rising falls looking at hollow bastion, much of that is just an image it's obvious and the image doesn't age well. The stars in twilight town are little more than a star covered wallpaper on the ceiling of the world. Having all the background distance stuff be rendered helps with immersion and as someone that notices little details like that, if can sort of take you out of the game. The last thing I can think of, no more doll face cutscenes! Even if you are just talking to a random npc of no importance, have them say a little something audibly and sync their mouth movements. They did this in the witcher 3 and it was incredible. Even all the background characters chattering while you are walking through a town had perfectly synced lip and eye movements.
  10. I don't think they should continue with multiplayer because I'm worried it will distract from the main plot of the series. I just don't think an action RPG like Kingdom Hearts can have multiplayer (at least outside of an arena mode or minigame) without sacrificing the story quality.
  11. They'll all appear in Kingdom Hearts 3, but I only see one of them at the most appearing in games after that. To be fair, all of their stories are tied very deeply into the current story arc and as side characters, once Kingdom Hearts 3 is over I see them either going their own way, sacrificing themselves, or only making small cameos. Xion especially won't make many more appearances since her existence was linked solely to 358/2 days and she doesn't have enough of a character in my opinion to warrent her appearing. Roxas and Namine despite not having much of a reason to appear in games beyond KH3, actually have more of a likely hood. To be fair, as much as I like these characters I think they should be retired after Kingdom Hearts 3 (or at least reduced to small cameos) so more characters can be introduced. I see the same happening to Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Lea, and the other Organization members actually and I think that's probably for the best.
  12. I think it's a terrible idea. I have seen fan art and renders of Sora in Armor and I think it looks awful and really goofy on him. His normal clothes fit him much better and give him an awesome look already. Plus since he already has means of traveling worlds via the gummi ship it wouldn't make much sense anyways.
  13. I'm weirdly ok with that. I'd rather have a nice looking game then a weird plastic looking one. It almost looks like textures haven't even been applied to the characters.
  14. I'm not disappointed, I just have the same feelings as others. There is a significant lack of variety particularly with kh3. I'd like to see more than gameplay especially since gameplay is the least important aspect to me. I'm most interested in the plot and would like to see some hints. Also I am a "teeny" bit disappointed that the graphics haven't improved and maintain their ugly plastic look. But other than that I'm fine.
  15. Yes thank you! I thought I was crazy cause everyone thought they looked amazing. The characters look like they are made of play-doh or plastic. And some characters look way off. Yen sid looked like he had a bad spray tan and something is terribly off with mickeys face! The light also hits everything oddly and makes things have a sheen driving home the "plastic" look. I'm so used to square Enid making such beautiful games.... This is really disappointing. I was hoping they would go for something more like the openings and endings in kh2, bbs, or 3D. Those were beautiful. I don't know what this is, but it's not kingdom hearts. They should have stuck with the luminous engine.... It looked way better in that trailer.
  16. I'm going to be honest here. I think the graphics need quite a bit of work. I dislike the lighting, especially how it hits the characters. It gives them this weird plastic like sheen. The characters themselves look like they are made out of soft clay or play-doh. I want the characters to look more natural while retaining their balance between animated and realistic.
  17. To be honest I am a bit mad. Now there isn't any proof yet that the trailer won't be shown, but in the past Square has shown that they do deliberately keep content under wraps at some events. This is where I think there is a flaw. It's not good for their image as a company to only show content to a select few and it's certainly not helping boost any sales. I'm sure it's their way of raising hype but it only ends up pissing people off. As much as I love this series and all the work that Square puts into it, I cannot help but be surprised at all the people who continue to defend every decision Square makes. They do make mistakes that make fans angry sometimes and yes while whining about it isn't necessarily the best fix, it might at least on some level let the company know that they are causing fans to distance themselves, even if only a little. But hey, maybe that's just me.....
  18. I agree. They need to fix those issues and a port would be great. As much as I love the remixes they disappointed me in a few areas. The glitches were one of them but what really bothered me was that they kept the puppet face cutscenes. I mean come on, they could have totally made all the cutscenes the standard ones. In khfm in 1.5 there is a scene where Kairi in the background is talking but her mouth is closed and not moving.... Some of the textures weren't updated as well. Against Darkside in khfm his attack where he fires beams from his chest, the energy in his chest is totally pixelated! So I hope by getting a ps4 upgrade they address these issues though I sort of doubt it. One of the things I think they will do is announce a kh3d remix as part of the 1.5 and 2.5 ports. It wouldn't make sense to release it as a standalone so I'm guessing they'd probably bundle it in. But that's just my hope anyway.....
  19. We'll it's definitely Roxas. Kingdom Hearts 2 was made before 358/2 and BBS so Xion and Ventus hadn't been conceived by Nomura yet. Plus it's Roxas build not to mention the fact that Roxas' time in Twilight Town during KH2 is spent with the Organization at first trying to get him to remember his time with them. Lastly like others have said, this scene is meant to mirror Sora's experience with his shadow turning into Darkside. And what's Roxas' shadow? The version of himself from the Organization that has been forgotten.
  20. Haha dude I just don't think we are ever gonna agree. I admire your passion though and I enjoyed shooting opinions back and forth. But I still stick to what I said. ^w^ I hope we can both be happy with whatever Nomura decides to throw at us next.
  21. I think the whole Roxas, Namine, and Xion thing is just a difference of how we think the story should play out haha. Like I said earlier, I can't foresee this as a god thing. But Nomura ALWAYS surprises me and I'm sure he will come up with comething that satisfies me on that front. As for the death thing., it's not about killing people off when they serve their purpose it's more about A. sticking to the story you established, and B. making the fights worthwhile (not the best way to say this). With A it's just things that we thought happened are sort of undone as with most of the character's endings. So for character's like the Organization where they come back after they die it sort of changes the story around. This is fine for a surprise once in a while, but it seems that it keeps happening and so there's this feeling (to me at least) that Nomura is continually changing the story cause he is dissatisfied. I don't actually think he thinks this, it's just the way these story changes feel. For B it's more about closure. the Organization members were great enemies, and when they were defeated it was this awesome accomplishment, but with everyone coming back it's sort of has this feeling of "Come on! I already did this!" Especially when you factor in the amount of "dead" characters that keep showing up. It also makes the game seem pointless in a sense. Like, we beat Ansem SOD in KH1 only for him to show up again in 3D. It's like "We went through all of that for nothing?!" The same thing with Xemnas. Like I said before this is okay if it were like one character or something, it would seem bad ass for a villain to do that. But when the villain and all of his incarnations come back it feels like we are back where we started almost. Lastly, when was Sora the only one who was special after KH1? After that game Roxas, Riku, Xion, Ven, Terra, Aqua, Namine, and Axel have all appeared to sort of phase that out. You and I just have different ideas for the story friend =P
  22. I'm not saying they don't deserve happiness. They do. They really do. But The fact that they sacrificed their happiness despite wanting it is what made them such great characters. It's not about saying "firetruck your dreams" it's about the sacrifice. It makes their characters better and I feel that's belittled by them coming back because all the emotion we felt when they did sacrifice their happiness is sort of rendered meaningless. That sort of ties into the problem people have with the percieved lack of death in kingdom hearts. If everyone can be revived all the time, there isn't any drama. So don't think I'm trying to screw over these characters. They do deserve happiness, but if every character can say "I'm gonna sacrifice myself and my dreams for you guys!" Only to come back in the next game, it's like why bother putting us through that emotional turmoil? You sort of made us feel sad when there was no need. And now it feels like I won't be able to take any other deaths/sacrifices seriously. On another note though, I personally like Sora as the main character. While you do have a point that his character needs to develop more I want the series to stay focused on his adventures when he is the hero. I like how the other characters expand upon parts of the story, like Terra, Ven, Aqua, and the others but they expanded on a story that has Sora at the center holding everything together. So while I don't mind some of the games having the other characters as the protagonists, I wouldn't be very happy if overall Sora stopped being the main character. But that's my personal opinion and I don't expect everyone to feel the same.
  23. I still don't really agree. The fact that their endings in Kh2 were bittersweet was a good thing. They were content with that. if everyone in the series has a happy ending it becomes cliched. I'm not at a computer so I can't really go into it more at the moment, but one of the things that made these characters great and memorable was that they sacrificed everything for the greater good. If you rescue/revive them it makes these sacrifices lose meaning. Not to mention that they won't really have much of a part to play once KH3 ends. like I said earlier, I worry that the series has become over saturated with main characters that won't have any use after this saga ends. It would be unfair to these characters to save them only for them to disappear into obscurity in the next game. I don't think it's a question of whether the character deserves happiness. They all do. But I don't think it would make for a satisfying story and ultimately I think it would cause more problems later on. But then again I could be wrong. I'm hoping Nomura will come up with something amazing that is satisfying and gives the characters their happiness. But currently I can't think of something that would do that.
  24. Firaga Sensei, could you elaborate more on what you mean?
  25. I don't think it's going to appear.... Even though I really want it to. Alright sorry for this but I am going to use this for a little rant. It really bothers me that Square Enix is so secretive about their titles. Especially since they didn't use to be that way (talking about the way they announced Kingdom Hearts 2). Since the announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3 at e3 in 2013 we have gotten 3 trailers, with the newest one being the worst since it was so vague and it only contained one still image. Now I obviously don't expect them to shower us with info, but I do expect them to at least give us something to chew on .... Anything would work! A couple of screenshots, one or two considered or confirmed worlds, an interview, maybe some game play aspects they are considering, even that secret trailer from that private event a few months back (that's at least already made)...... Literally any one of these would work. It's been a year since we have gotten information and I think that's completely unfair. We should at least get SOMETHING every 4-5 months or so. I don't think that's too hard to ask. Instead we will probably have to end up waiting till November to hear anything. It's seems sort of sadistic that they are probably going to give us something 16 months after the last bit of information. Rant over sorry.
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