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Everything posted by Switzerland

  1. I just want Vanitas and Riku Replica in new Org. And no more "30 year old Xehanort", "slightly older than that one Xehanort". Xehanort is like a topping, not a flavor.
  2. I kinda hope for Repliku. He never gets any love, and we can always trust Nomura to troll us with him.
  3. Everything, but especially the Lea and Mickey scenes from the outside world. And of course TWTNW.
  4. I don't think remaking a game that was already remade is a good idea. There's only so many times. Maybe if the rumored HD remakes come out, it can be included with Days and BBS. Other than that, it would just be a waste of time.
  5. I took a moment of silence for D Day. If there are any veterans here, I just want to say thanks from the bottom of my heart.
  6. So, from the ending it looks like Xehanort is making another Org. because the last one totally worked... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Now the question remains, who the heck is in this new Organization? We already know one spot is empty, along with six confirmed. Who's the other six? Speculate below.
  7. I just despise Leechgrave and Ruler of the Sky. They are the only handheld bosses I have ever spent more than a week on. Ruler wouldn't slow down and Leechgrave just trolled me for about two hours. Blah... Then I level grinded.
  8. Like: TWTNW, Twilight Town, Castle Oblivion, TRON worlds, and Pride Lands Hate: Destiny Islands, Agrabah, Olympus, Mysterious Tower (because Yen Sid redecorated it, that jerk!), and Disney Castle
  9. Gotta say Aqua. She's the one who does everything right, and she has the hero role from the disney worlds.
  10. Just any keyblade wielder. Lea, too, if he's important enough. And Kairi since she hasn't been doing anything since KH2.
  11. I've been waiting for this one! It's been worth the wait.
  12. When Axel explains girls. And any flashback to KH1 or COM. Especially the one in the triple mission when it shows Sora's sacrifice.
  13. FINALLY!!!!! School just let out for the summer for me. :D I can actually be online now. It's good to be back.

    1. keyblademaster29


      That's great. I have to wait until next week.

    2. Joker


      i got 2weeks left not counting today its friday

  14. My favorite... Uh... The new one. Young Xehanort, then Isanort, then Braiganort, then Xemnas, then Old Master Xehanort, then Ansem. I dunno. Just never liked Ansem. The new guy adds in some fun, though.
  15. Just got home from camping and I have to write a paper... Fun...

  16. I'm going to be weird and say Kairi. If she's going to be trained, then she needs to be in Days with her boys. TAV already have a game to themselves, and the rest of the options seem a little unworkable.
  17. Hey everyone. :) Happy Easter if you're into that. It's April, and I fell pretty good.

    1. Kirie



    2. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      You fell pretty good? How far did you fall? Do you feel okay?

    3. Switzerland


      Oh, dangit. Bad typing skills. "Feel okay". Go with "Feel okay". Thanks for catching that and the concern, though.

  18. There's always a chance that BbS Vol. 2 will be Kairi training, Sora's new exam, and Riku off doing something else. I kinda hope that Kairi is playable. And maybe Lea, for being awesome.
  19. I just liked how they could have a long confrontation while standing on a chair. And Lea's just that much of a boss to fight Isa while holding Sora on his arm, without a keyblade. He's just awesome enough to do that.
  20. Finally... I've been wanting Kairi to do something useful for once. Wish I knew japanese...
  21. Anyone who doesn't say Leechgrave must either have crazy skills, patience, or a funny idea of what a hard boss is.
  22. My vote goes to the chair either not being in Where Nothing Gathers, or that is not the ending. Or maybe both. Just a guess, though.
  23. Ugh... I had a rough day. Sure hope it gets better soon.

  24. I think this is great. I always liked Riku's voice, and I like David's comment about how the fans know more about the franchise than he does. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cool.png
  25. The low number of cutscenes, and the fact that every cutscene featured depressed Xion. She was happier than that in the actual story. And I wanted a few more answers to the weirder questions.
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