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Xian Cano

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Everything posted by Xian Cano

  1. I've never seen any of these commercials when I was younger. In fact I had no intention of getting Kingdom Hearts at the time. but, before my cousin and half my family left to live in Mexico for pretty much ever.. (tear tear) he gave me Kingdom Hearts as a gift. I was so sad when they left... Kingdom Hearts has a lot of meaning to me now even though at first I thought it was stupid (but so did most people btw)
  2. I want someone to make a long and confusing, but interesting conspiracy theory on this. you will be my hero
  3. I actually liked the original GBA version better... and not because I'm one of those "The original is always the best" douches, I say this because first off, the voice acting was HORRENDOUS. i mean I nearly muted the whole damn thing http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png second the music was much more... repetitive I guess? I mean 98% of all cut scenes had the same song in it if you noticed. at least in the GBA one you could lower the volume and not make it look weird since their were no cut scenes.and there mouths didn't move (Try watching Kingdom Hearts cut scenes on Mute and not get irritated) and the Gameplay was actually smoother IMO
  4. I always thought that too... but there was always some doubt to that
  5. ............................................................
  6. OMG I never knew KH13 and I shared the same Birthday awesome! (thats probably why I love this Website so much x) lol)
  7. woah woah woah woah woah WOAH!Of course I'm not gonna spend $300 dollars on a console to play one game on it, thats stupid and insane. I already intend on purchasing other games for it as well. (God of War 3, Sly Cooper 4, and others) I'm just saying I only purchase Consoles KH games land on, unless I get them as a gift (my ok wii, and Xbox kinect which I loathe..) I want a Wii U, but you have to understand money doesn't come easy to me, and my life is way to busy for a job at the moment, at least till December... So I'm going to purchase a PS3, and pray everyday to every god known to man, that KH HD re:MIX comes to North America...
  8. My Birthday is in 4 days... and a little after KH 3D was released in NA all I wanted was a Wii U. I mean I planed every detail to get enough money on my B-day to buy one on launch day. as my birthday was approaching i was so happy that I could actually get my hands on the Wii U day 1. But then something AMAZING (but aggrevating) happend... Kingdom Hearts -1.5- HD Re:MIX was announced for the.. PlayStation 3! I was so Pissed off and happy at the same time... I hate that feel So of course my new plan is to abandon all hope for buying a Wii U this year and getting a PS3 instead. I know that KH HD re:MIX might not even come out in NA, but I trust Nomura so much, I'm giving up a Wii U for a console I don't have and kinda don't want.. All for Kingdom Hearts.. PLEASE NOMURA, FOR ONCE DON'T TROLL ME!
  9. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!! Square Enix if your reading this, release This glorious looking game in North America!
  10. Thanx for the "AI" thing. however i still dont know a thing about the trophys
  11. Is the gameplay the same? because in the video, It looked kinda diffrent... also, what is the "PS3 TROPHY COLLECTON"? (I'm slow.) I also would like to find out if Donald and Goffy would have better AI. anywayz thanx for helping me out!
  12. Everything about it screams "WE'RE TIRED AND WE WANT TO GO HOME!"
  13. Guys, you ever get the feeling you miraculously got pregnant?

  14. ive been a member since .. a while now x) but im still a noob, i mean i just figured out how to make a signature http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png but i love this site like a lot lol
  15. Lol ive never done that.. so im proud for you and my day was ssssooooo boring http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
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