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    Christian, (or trying to be)
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    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      Can I ask you a question? Why do you make statuses of Christian videos on a Kingdom Hearts forum? Are you even a Kingdom Hearts fan?

  1. The most terrifying truth
  2. I said it was my view. so i wasn't forcing it down ppls throats. and define 'True Christian' for me
  3. Please, Please, PLEASE don't get mad at me.... I'm going to go insane unless I say all this.. so just.. bare with me because i just really need to get this out. And this is IF all i've said before actually happens. If the NWO actually occurs.... AND THIS IS MY PERSONAL TRUTH FEEL FREE TO POST YOURS, I'M JUST POSTING MINE!!!! 1. get silver ang gold, the dollar will be worth nothing 2. read the book of Revelation 3. accumulate food, you'll need it (there will be hyperinflation) 4. make a relationship with God (THIS IS MY VIEW!) (thru prayer and all that stuff, again MY VIEW) 5.tell others about it. (MY VIEW) 6. turn from all sin This is what you should do IF, IF by any chance you begin to believe in all this "biblical end time prophecy" stuff... ok, so IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN THIS STUFF DON'T PELT ME WITH "YOU'RE A NUT, GO AWAY" STUFF, THIS IS JUST MY TRUTH I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO SAY, OR MY MIND WILL HAUNT ME TILL' I DO. AND THIS IS IF YOU FIND THE END TIME PROPHECIES TO BE ACCURATE AND TRUE, (at least taking a small peek can be interesting, but i'm just sigjesting this) (sorry for my spelling errors http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png i was never good at spelling so... yeah) (agian my view post yours, i'm intrested and NO i'm not gunna say "i'm holier then thou" cuz i'm really not, but i'm intrested in what everyone else has to say, so post away have a great day, love to hear YOUR VIEW thanks (agian, I;m not forcing anything.. just saying)
  4. I may be very religious .. but i'm not a cat lady http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png'''''
  5. @Flaming Lea- Eeekkk don't get mad at me!!!!!!!! @Ertyx- i'm... not... look deeper into it 0.0.... I.... still don't like me.... (not aimed at anyone) I don't think anyone else likes me.. 0.0 that's... ok........... this means you have good sanity.. I don't ~Jesus bless you
  6. There r rumors about New World Order and Fema and HARRP and concentration camps ... there is alot of things surfacing about this! please view and comment!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeewN7VjIEI (FEMA guilltines, podcast, it IS religious, don't kill me over it, ok, but do watch, k? if you want, if your sensitive to religion and watch it, DON'T GET MAD AT ME!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39btKqMiqiQ&feature=related (this ones about the Illuminati, idk if it's religous, haven't watched it in a while so, yhea don't get mad at me) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX2MjRddXCA&feature=related (This ones about Face book& Google and wut they're hiding) it's intersting thanks ~Jesus bless
  7. wow really nice you draw very nice pictures! That's cool. I think you drew the nose fine lol but just my opinion ~Jesus bless you I'll pray for you
  8. While we waste away, a little life of a vapor over a rotten covering. We can in NO WAY ESCAPE THE WRATH OF GOD. Though everyone thinks 'Oh! Life is fine! Life is good!' you can't see over 90% are going to hell?! The sin of this world is pilled high as Heaven, and even higher. So many go to hell for no accepting Jesus, Lord and Savior who died on the cross for you! Does it mean nothing, perhaps you don't believe, well the unbelieving, sorceress, idolaters, homosexuals, cowards, evil doers, and those who do not know Jesus will burn in hell for eternity, there is but one way to be saved, only one name under Heaven which we shall be saved, that is Jesus Christ my friends, and no, I do not care if you are offended, angry, or upset, because all i want to see is you in Heaven, and if you chose to reject him as Lord over all of your life, well, my friend, don't expect to be there. I hope to see you in Heaven.... We are in the End Times.. it's your choice now.......... Chose him he is calling. Do not question.. Just take his hand and trust him.... we all deserve hell............... there is no way but him to avoid it. ~Pray for this world for our king comes soon
    1. Koko


      What about Allah

      and Buddha

      And Yahweh

    2. Koko


      Wait scratch Buddha, he's not a deity

    3. FireRubies1


      Can't you like get some other friends to talk about this with?....

  9. it's a shame so many go to hell because they wont except Jesus, the only one who can save

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Namikaze


      thank you, koko

    3. FireRubies1


      I thought you were supposed to deny the Holy Spirit to go to Hell or something like that... but I don't care because I'm agnostic anyways o3o

    4. Shana09




      You can believe what you want, to be honest, Christianity isn't the only religion, also there are other Jesus-like figures in other religions. And no, they did not copy Christianity.


      Also, I hope Jesus can save your grammar, punctuation, and capitalization because it's 'accept' not 'except'.

  10. It's a shame so many

  11. Sabbath starts @ sunset and into tommarow :) God Bless

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