While we waste away, a little life of a vapor over a rotten covering. We can in NO WAY ESCAPE THE WRATH OF GOD.
Though everyone thinks 'Oh! Life is fine! Life is good!' you can't see over 90% are going to hell?!
The sin of this world is pilled high as Heaven, and even higher.
So many go to hell for no accepting Jesus, Lord and Savior who died on the cross for you!
Does it mean nothing, perhaps you don't believe, well the unbelieving, sorceress, idolaters, homosexuals, cowards, evil doers, and those who do not know Jesus will burn in hell for eternity, there is but one way to be saved, only one name under Heaven which we shall be saved, that is Jesus Christ my friends, and no, I do not care if you are offended, angry, or upset, because all i want to see is you in Heaven, and if you chose to reject him as Lord over all of your life, well, my friend, don't expect to be there.
I hope to see you in Heaven.... We are in the End Times.. it's your choice now.......... Chose him he is calling. Do not question.. Just take his hand and trust him.... we all deserve hell............... there is no way but him to avoid it.
~Pray for this world
for our king comes soon