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Everything posted by Crashrobot55

  1. PikachuYour spirit pokemon is Pikachu! Your spirit pokemon has chosen to guide you as you are hardy by nature and you do what's in good nature and you tend to hate Racism, Sexism, Homophobia and animal cruelty. You are a very smart person and have brilliant company. Pikachu will help you move on and give you courage to stand up for what is right and will help you remain a possitive, bright person.
  2. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cowP&k=HFE Oniaku's game
  3. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cn9N&k=wLb
  4. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cnKn&k=pRn new one
  5. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cnIY&k=f6z
  6. I had the same problem with this. It's in one of the holes in The Machine Room for Riku.
  7. Hello I'm Crashrobot55 and let me be the first to welcome you to your prison. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  8. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cmDJ&k=pmL another round
  9. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cmCe&k=eDh
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