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Everything posted by Crashrobot55

  1. RWBY was amazing!

    1. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      Hell yeah it was!

    2. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Think it'll make for good AMVs?

    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      YES. OH GOD YES.

  2. Mega pokemon everywhere

  3. Well my says she's gonna buy my sister the 2DS.

    1. Zola


      I'm saving up for a 7DS.

  4. Im Blue. Da Ba Dee Da Ba Die

    1. Lalalablah


      :D that song is in my head now

      Have you seen the music video? It's strange lol

    2. Crashrobot55
  5. So there are two people who's birthday is five days before mine? Well happy birthday hope you enjoy it.
  6. Isaiah. I think that's pretty normal
  7. I waited whole week for a six minute episode.

    1. Crashrobot55


      It was good though

    2. Skai


      It was better than last weeks lol

    3. Crashrobot55
  8. This hour can't pass fast enough
  9. So far out of the three worlds mine would have to be Wonderland
  10. My sister just asked if KH stands for Kingdom Hearts. I told her it stands for killing horses.

    1. Reyn


      Good show, JOLLY GOOD SHOW.

    2. EternalReckoning


      She better believe it! :D For making such an obvious remark she deserves it lol

    3. harp note

      harp note

      Once some one asked me if KH stands for Kool Hat..... o_o BUT WONDERFUL ANSWER! xD

  11. Random R+ Valor Form Sora just pops into my gift box. I have no problem with this at all.

    1. Tigerruss


      It's from you getting to level 20.

    2. Crashrobot55
  12. That moment when you're the only person fighting the raid boss.

    1. Bearanort


      I was going to deliver the final attack :(

    2. Crashrobot55


      I wish people were actually helping me

    3. Caity


      That sad moment when you deal the just before final attack.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Well Funimation is going to start making more episodes and the anime is starting back
  14. Every time i see Pangoro I think of Kung Fu Panda
  15. Yes! The Fairy Tail anime is gonna start broadcasting again.

  16. Never mind about the name change. I want my name to still be Crashrobot55
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