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CJ Smith

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Everything posted by CJ Smith

  1. I'd hate to see anyone die but if I'd have to say Terra Lea and Riku I could see die, hope it doesn't happen though
  2. Just to let you know I've just sent all the Vol.s but I had issues with Vol 10 Unwelcomed Guest and didn't realize until I was finished so that Vol. is your most recent other than that I thank you for your time and hope you enjoy it and if you want we could right the rest together.
  3. My Sanctuary Light or Darkness?
  4. Birth By Sleep is one of my favorite games I'm sure it will be a great adventure sorry you have to wait until the weekend, but it'll be worth it.
  5. I just want to say thank you but I'm stumped if you've got any ideas all try to put them all in.
  6. Couple weeks ago FF XIII Orphan battle
  7. Oh thank you I thought you were serious
  8. I don't think I want to do it again, don't get the wrong idea, story was awesome, but it took me forever
  9. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/relationships/Johnny+Depp-272296.html What do you think?
  10. That was very touching and it's a poem I understood and most people could relate to, three thumbs up
  11. I hope to see more of Aqua, maybe after the ending of 3D Riku Sora and the others open a portal to rescue her, or Terra-nort resisting Xehanort's evil, or Master Xehanort finds Ventus in the Room of Awakening
  12. Just be honest with her and try not to stumble over your words, girls usually like men who are honest. If that doesn't work ask her to the next dance or party or whatever. If she says she just wants to remain friends, slowly I mean slowly become her best guy friend. Be there for her when she needs you, be her friend that can turn a bad situation into a good one. If this doesn't work sorry man this is what I would do and maybe it'll work. Good luck.
  13. No I think they would thank them after they became whole and found out about Xehanort's true intentions, good question I think that in KH3 they may still be able to use there weapons and they could help Leon and his team with a new or old threat.
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