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CJ Smith

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Everything posted by CJ Smith

  1. Whoever they are they'll never be as good as the original, R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy.
  2. Yeah, do it. There's a great way to kick start the new year and we've been promised news on Kingdom Hearts next year so it'll be easier for you to open your mind to possibilities to make videos about. I am also currently planning on starting a YouTube channel but I will definitely subscribe to you. "Follow your heart and you'll find the way" good luck buddy.
  3. I'd ask Sora to try to pass the Keblade onto me so I might be able to wield one, then I'd Donald for some magic lessons and just hangout with Goofy.
  4. Jump Festa 2015, Noruma promised more news next year and personally I doubt they'll show us that trailer but one would think in order for that trailer to be made they'd need some, Concept Art? I realize Jump Festa isn't really in 2015 but it happens in Tokyo right? Earlier this year we were told to watch for Tokyo, right? Just saying people, my personal belief.
  5. If anything look at the two events going on during the 1st of December (I think) and the event going on December 6-7. PlayStation, Disney and Square Enix will be attending both of these events. Then if nothing happens there our next and final hope is Jump Festa, earlier this year someone from Square Enix said after E3 to look for Tokyo, most people thought TGS 2014 but maybe that was never the plan at all, Jump Festa is in Tokyo. If its there, I'd like to see a release window (because Noruma said recently KH3 was progressing on schedule! Give us the schedule man, lol) a new trailer, and more information, that's not too much for Square. Hell just give us any kind of news.
  6. Terra scares the hell outta me Aqua looks like she went to the dark side of the force LOL All in all not bad, wait where's Ven? Anyone else concerned right now?
  7. I love DBZ but I'm catholic, sorry Goku not gonna convert.
  8. Kingdom Hearts Speculation! 3.5! Kingdom Hearts 3, BBS Vol. 2, 3D, and KHx! 2019 JK LOL
  9. Kingdom Hearts 3 is highly anticipated and has been in the "early stages of development" for quite a few years. Put yourself in Noruma's shoes, you've got one amazing game (FFXV) hopefully sometime next year that will make you tons of money, Kingdom Hearts 3 has most of your attention at the moment, and you've got some games planned at the moment (could be related to KH or FF but that's unconfirmed). I'm not sure whether Noruma left the FFXV project willingly or not, if he did leave it willingly he knows that Kingdom Hearts 3 is vey important to fans, its progressing on schedule and is now on Unreal Engine 4, that will speed up the process and make things run smoother. If he was ordered to go work on Kingdom Hearts 3, then I don't think who ever ordered him to leave would be ok with him just working on his new projects and leaving Kingdom Hearts 3 alone again. I don't know guys, lets have a discussion, agree with me or not (Sora96, lol man) I'd like to see your thoughts, will we see Kingdom Hearts 3 after Noruma releases his other titles onto PS4 or Xbox One? Also I think I might start making YouTube videos like HMK or TheGamersJoint, Kingdom Hearts News, Speculations, other videos.
  10. Jump Festa, we haven't seen much of anything for KH3 this year and we all know that they've been definitely been working on it with all the interviews and articles concerning development. C'mon Nourma please man. Either that or E3 2015.
  11. Sora96, your guess is as good as ours but don't go off stating that we, the fans or even you know everything. Square likes to keep things like this hush-hush. Kingdom Hearts 3 has been going through development since 2010, we got trailers in 2013, Noruma left FFXV recently to focus on KH3. At this rate of most of the things you've mentioned Sora96, Kingdom Hearts 3 may never get a release. Bottom line you don't know all the facts, we don't know all the facts, we have no idea where they are at in development, so unless anything comes from Noruma himself we need to shut up about "One fan has all the answers and they're right". Sorry man but its true.
  12. Still forbidding. If it don't happen then I guess 2015 is the year for Kingdom Hearts 3
  13. If KH3D were to be remastered I'd bet my money that KH3 and KH chi would be with it. The game would be called 3.5 and it would lead up to the events in Kingdom Hearts 4!!!!!!!
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