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Everything posted by soniplushie

  1. all i have to say is :wut is dis.i like it...but what DOES IT MEAN TO THE UNIVERSE?!?!? ?*universe implodes*
  2. i dun' wub it,i just okay it. -soniplushie -soniplushies' nonexistant fwiends T_T
  3. TL;DR Version:Transfour Mars core uppited keen dumb hertz nd maed ivree U.N. sally.
  4. Nomura could be trolling us,and adding extra stuff and blow our precious faces into outer SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
  5. i completely forgot this existed lol
  6. PFFFFFFFF-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! sorry,someone had to laugh this much at that its impossible not to!
  7. hey!hes right! i just checked the Mementos and a walkthrough of the first game to see if it was right or not.
  8. oh..i thought you meant like world DLCs in KH3...well i agree with everyone +9532% times more than a normal agreement,I NEED TO KNOW WHAT SORAS MOM LOOKS LIKE!I NEEED ITTTTTT!
  9. Gud 4 U for being a nice person!atleast you want him saved instead of wanting to pun-oh wait you do.
  10. i think im the first person to say Team Fortress 2... meh
  11. 13 Rawxis four da ween!(even though i like Ventus better,Roxas looks like Ventus so he still counts.)
  12. ' _ ' where is it? i dont even know what it is but ill still watch it
  13. i was eating,and im sick,so my laughter sounded like:H NHN HN H NHN HN HN HHN. BUT ITS STILL REALLY FUNNY!(atleast to me)
  14. this isnt a vid of kiuari touching the keyblade. this is aqua giving kiari a magic spell. or is the magic spell the keyblade? and i heard she gave the keyblade to kiari by accident. can someone give me that video pls. It's the video before the one that was linked
  15. *looks up questions* I TOTALLY P-oh wait it says no cheating. meh noone will-oh yea this message.hmm well maybe if i say i didnt cheat but really cheat m-DANGIT I NEED TO STOP TALKING ABOUT MY PLANS!
  16. Actually,ive gotten the reference for awhile now,just never quoted on it until now < w <
  17. Aqua->Terra->Ventush 1 2 3 With one being saddest,and 3 being really sad,but not sadder or not saddest
  18. so,do i have to buy it?or is it like a Web-Comic? it looks good Edit:NVM,i learned how to read Topics at the top of the page... herpderp
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