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Ultima Weapon

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Everything posted by Ultima Weapon

  1. Whatever he was, I can bet he is going to appear in KH3
  2. that question would be easier but anyway here goes my list: Zidane, Freya, Beatrix, Blank from FFIX Sabin, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Gau, Celes, Terra, Relm, Strago, Mog from FFVI Auron, Tidus and Wakka from FFX Laguna, Squall, Selphie, Zell and Irvine from FFVIII Barts and Faris from FFV Palom, Porom, Kain, Cecil from FFIV Zack from FF Crisis Core Penelo, Baltier and Rasler from FFXII Marche, Montblank and Cid from FF TActis Advance Those are all for now hehehe
  3. Vacations YAY!

    1. Enmaa



    2. Ultima Weapon
  4. Auron is the only constant in my party, I choose the others depending the enemy and I almost never use Kimahri
  5. I should be finishing my final project, instead I'm still spending time here

  6. I wonder if there are people in the world that doesn't like music, maybe just deaf people don't like music ( that was a little rude) Anyway I love Music, I can't live without music
  7. Pfffffff wahahahaha good one, but Sora is too cool to be cloud's son maybe Zack's son
  8. I don't hate her, the only thing that bothers me is that she is a female replica of Sora(disturbing if you ask me), but I like her design (finally someone with black hair) Anyway nice avatar
  9. that's a good story, way better than the original
  10. El Dia de Reyes, lucky nephew, that way he can have more presents
  11. Hmmm I think he has to become a master, at the beginning in the middle or at the end of the KH3, but he definitely is going to be a Master
  12. New job, I'm so tired...

  13. Traverse Town and Destiny Island from KH1, love the design and the music themes
  14. If they fail the exam, they'll go to summer school. just kidding. they die of course. It's a mortal test after all, or that was in another video game?
  15. I thought it was obvious that 'coded' was just to make easy money. I mean, it was a cell phone game in first place, thats why I wasn't expected much when they made re:coded.
  16. mmmm Probably you just have to beat up the KH1 in hard mode to unlook the extra I'm going to play the Re:CoM anyway, cuz I love it muahahaha so I don't care.
  17. Me too! Welcome and nice avatar by the way
  18. I hope someday... I would like to asist to Tokyo Game Show
  19. Roxas in Wonderland, my fav chapters xD

  20. 'ReRe' live version by Asian Kung Fu Generation
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