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Ultima Weapon

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Everything posted by Ultima Weapon

  1. I have to admit I cried with the ending of the first kingdom hearts because You broke your back , looking for your friends, just to be separated again at the end, that is sad i mean poor Sora. My runner up is 358/2 days, cuz poor roxas, see one of your best friends disappear permanently because of you, thats hard also i liked xion
  2. Well I personally think that all the other Kingdom Hearts games are in an alternate timeline to the first Kingdom Hearts and I'm still waiting a decent sequel to the first kingdom hearts with a less tangled story but more interesting and fun and especially less dramatic whith more romance and......... Nah! The Birth by Sleep is the key for future khgames but i still like more the firts kingdom hearts
  3. Wow almots everyone was soo young, I was the same age as Sora when I payed the First kingdom hearts in the spring of 2003 (yeah it took me six months to saved the money for the game) so I was 14 years old, now Im 23, (and sora still has 15, thats just not rigth) anyway the good thing is that now i have the money to buy it whenever the next game be relesed
  4. Come on!!! SIMPLE AND CLEAN IS THE BEST, i think the sanctuary theme is boring, yeah I finally said it, i feel better now
  5. I used Cure of course, Thunder (loved the thundagas) and Aero (that was a realy helpfull defense magic that Iwould like they bring back) and I have to admit I just use the summons to see them, exept in the batlle agains the secret boss in Agraba where I used Tinker Bell (and was very hepfull by the way) yeah thats all
  6. Im with you, the original is the best!!! plus I didnt like at all how the story has turn since the kh2, but they can sell anything with the kingdom hearts logo and I will buy it,I just love Kingdom Hearts I think i have a problem o_O
  7. I have to choose VANITAS he has some cool moves, exept the lingering spirit of vatitas that battle is just insane but in general I enjoy the battles with Vanitas
  8. You can not be more rigth KH2 fixed the camera problems that the first have, but the story is a mess the story in the kh1 was simple but so much interesting and with so many potencial, and yeah Sora crying over Riku so gay... Kingdom Hearts 1 is EPIC
  9. I was wondering the exact same thing, when I played the KH2 Iwas hoping to see them, but that never happened and is disturbing that Sora cares a damn his family (if he has one, cuz i'm starting to think that he has not) so yeah I want to see Sora's parents
  10. Well I am 23!!! and I was almost the same age as Sora when the first kingdom hearts was relesed now sora is just one year older, and i have ten more, thats unfair
  11. Ha ha ha that's rigth and the Disney part is a repelent for new gemers not everyone gives it a chance
  12. I don't think Roxas has the hardest past, did he even has a past?
  13. Axel is the most popular and the coolest
  14. Hi I was looking for tailers of kingdom hearts 3D in youtube an then a went to the site, I liked the site, so here I am! ha ha
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