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Ultima Weapon

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Everything posted by Ultima Weapon

  1. You have a good point, I would like to play with the other characters, at least for a short period in the game, and I really am hoping the gameplay become more strategic like the old ones, I'm sure it's not that dificult to do :sleep:
  2. I agree completely with your list :lol: and I also consider kh1 my favorite game of all time.
  3. I'd love a remastered version of FFIX :biggrin: ... can't believe it's been 14 years since the release I'm getting old
  4. Last of us remastered is so close

  5. I'm glad that someone apriciete FFVI as much as I do ^o^ Final Fantasy VI is the best final Fantasy to me, I love the characters, the great story, the music, the game system, the spheres By the way nice review. My top 3 Final Fantasy games 1. FF VI 2. FF XI 3. FF IV
  6. Child of Ligth,want that game!

  7. I also think that Sora is getting less significant, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens in the KH3, maybe they'll explain that little detail of the "chosen one".
  8. FFIX is my favorite final fantasy game, amazing soundtrack, I said it before and I say it again Nobuo Uematsu is a genius.
  9. I already work, I started working a little before finishing college, its a nice job, I like it a lot =)
  10. I liked FF X, the characters are ok, the music is really good and the story is good and interesting, the battle system by turns is ok, the use of the sphere grid was a little slow at the beginning but actually it was fun how you can choose the path for each character and learn some abilities from other characters or all the abilities if you want to. I didn't liked FFX-2 because of the story (it stinks), and what they did of yuna (a pop singer, come on), but I have to admit the active gameplay was really fun. I really hate the cut-scenes for the transformations of the girls during the battles, good thing is there's an option to turn them off. But hey, I played both games (from beginning to end), when they were released (ten years ago for the X-2, 15 years ago for the FF X), so its been a while since I played them
  11. yup, I will get it for sure, I don't have as much time to play as I used too, but now I have the money to pay the fee, mwahahaha
  12. FF VI all the way, best characters, best story, and best villian, yeah, and I loved the sphere system too, its the predecesor of all the good FF games (sorry ffIV, but is the true)
  13. I love FFCC!, I wonder what will happen to the franchise, I would love a game for Wii U
  14. The FF X-2, it was a bad idea from the beginning, the magical girl transformations, the absurd of the story, and worst of all Tidus doesn't appear till the very end of the game (I played it for nothing <_< )
  15. A lot of good games to buy

  16. My favorite is the first KH >w< I like the simple but interesting story, the other games are great, but with an unnecessary intricate story.
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