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About II-become-I

  • Birthday 07/16/1998

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  1. I think they should at least consider thinking about it but if they don't bring it out soon or in the next 5 years cause if they don't, we might lose interest but still, these people have lives and they have to work hard also more KH titles means more money leading up to KH III!!!! so it is a good thing to bring up more games!!
  2. Make sure your reloading times is very fast and equip two unison rushes and some thunder surges. I really dont think healing is neccessary. All you gotta do is spam the dodge roll and wait till your Unison Rush is recharged. NOTE:This is a cheap way of winning and you may feel sad after winning because it is like cheating. (from experience) Good Luck!
  3. II-become-I

    TWEWY in KH3D

    wow that is amazing!
  4. II-become-I


    I put this out on both this website and DeviantART.com I think this might be my fave pic i have ever made and i FINALLY got to upload it! I made it using the program GIMP and my drawing tablet.

    © (c) Aqua (c) Kingdom hearts

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