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Everything posted by MAKS

  1. This thread has gone from Zexy Party Time to emo time ........... Thanks for stopping by Kirby.
  2. I read this and was like "Wait a minute. Was it?" I looked back and sure enough, though this thread was more like "inspired by that post".
  3. I've gotta go to work now but before I go: Now I understand. If you need to take some time off I am in support of that. We are here for you whenever you need. It would be selfish of us to try to keep you here. We'll keep you in our thoughts. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. That's great to know
  4. I know I know. I thought it may of been a little vague, my bad.
  5. I know what we'll do. Let's build a raft and use it to escape this world. I'm sure there are other worlds out there. We'll sail to where ever it takes us. (KH1 reference)
  6. King Riku joined! Question: why exactly are you leaving Kirby? (If you don't mind me asking.)
  7. I loved Duck Tales too.
  8. Awesome! Thanks for joining Epic_Show (cool username by the way)! You should start an introduction thread for yourself. Great to know you now!
  9. time to do some mowing before I have to go to work.....

    1. Demyx.
    2. Weiss


      House work followed by more work.

      Well, we'll be seeing you soon. xP

    3. MAKS


      Will do friends!

  10. That seems like a good way to wrap up the thread. Thanks for a fun thread..... Mr.DBZ
  11. You remember when I first posted - not when I first joined . Fair enough.
  12. I thought so. It hit me that we keep on chatting away with other members when in fact that isn't the whole community.
  13. I've been a member on this site longer than you kiddo.
  15. There is already a thread for this. And if you really want to win (there will be prizes) then here's the thread for you.
  16. haha, I wasn't. I joined and never looked back....... except for that whole previously been banned thing . BTW I saw that you posted on my notifications and I was like" OH GOODNESS WHAT HAVE I DONE NOW?" then I read it and had a sigh of relief http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png .
  17. It has occurred to me that this site apparently has a lot of lurkers on it. What I mean by that is there are a lot of people that visit this site that aren't members. They read the news and forums and even enjoy it as if they are members but they are not. I'm here to tell you that in the future after you finally join you'll be disappointed that you didn't join sooner. Many members feel the same way. This site is without a doubt better as a member than as a lurker. You will love this site and the community of people here much more than you already do. You may know us but we don't know you so please do us the honor and register so we can finally meet you! We're looking forward to it!
  18. No kidding! But hey, I was a lurker too; maybe not for years but I was. It has occurred to me that a lot of members on this site used to be lurkers.
  19. These are all great comments!
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