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Everything posted by MAKS

  1. I think Ima gonna stick with my sig. It reminds me of my past and an old forum I used to visit.
  2. Hello peoples! At this moment while you are reading this I am reading you, I am Slendy..........

    1. Oniaku



    2. OthersiderME


      as I type this, it is 12:25 pm. welcome to tomorrowland.

    3. Weiss


      *gives 20 dollars*

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. I wasn't too convinced until I read "just spreading the word". Then my creeped-out-ness activated. Then when I saw the picture I was like: 0__________0 :wacko: :unsure: http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png I love the stories you post though. If you post more I will read more.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I got the idea to put a theme on my profile from KeysofBlades.
  5. Like you guys said, this thread is slowly dieing, well actually it's going faster now. I, like you all, don't want to see it end but it seems to be inevitable. Therefore I have a proposition for us all. With the way this thread is going it's going to slowly wither away into nothingness with no show for it. Instead let's send it off with something to remember and respect. Let's give this thread one last big bang that we will all remember and that will leave it with a well deserved rest - something to respect this thread for all the great times we've had with it. Who's with me!? *hears uproars of cheers from behind*
  6. I loved the guy with the beer cans on his hat and I also loved the trash can.
  7. Wow... that was 1:00 am for me . Good luck on math Kirby, we know you need it ( ).
  8. I thought I'd revive this thread to give you one unexpected notification in your endless notifications.
  9. T_T I. Already. Knew. That. (not angry, just frustrated.)
  10. Oh, that sounded angrier than I intended. I'm just a little annoyed because different users have called me a noob but not annoyed enough to start a riot .
  11. Thanks everybody for the advice! And DChiuch I wouldn't think of doing that because I have experienced the annoyingness of it.
  12. Please, for the love of everyone's future grand children's A.D.D., PEOPLE STOP CALLING ME A NOOB.
  13. other. I don't really have an opinion as I don't really know enough about this subject to have an opinion.
  14. Sorry if this is in the the wrong thread.... How do I put videos into posts where you have to manually start them and then how do I do it where they start automatically? Also how to I put in spoiler tags? Thanks ahead.
  15. WHERE WOULD THAT BE?!? :blink: :huh:
  16. Sounds like you're running for president..... I'd vote for you.
  17. You called it. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png
  18. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
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