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Everything posted by Excalibur0123

  1. Yeah I know it's just I like TRON alot for some reason. Maybe not TRON over again but, if they do DLC (if it's not already included in the main story) maybe they can throw in some Pixar Worlds like The Incredibles or Wall-e or Toy Story (I'd love to beat the crap out of Lotso I hate that bear :caseofemotion: )
  2. I know that we'll be getting it in 3D the thing is I'm not getting 3D because I don't have a 3DS (Although I wish i did) unless they release it in the future in HD (which will most likely not happen). I did hear that they were making a new TRON though so maybe
  3. I've been wondering that for a while now. I would absolutely LOVE a TRON: Leagcy world or even something like Robin Hood, Toy Story, or The Jungle Book.
  4. How much you wanna bet that Square will remake an old Final Fantasy (excluding Final Fantasy X HD) i.e. VII in HD
  5. I'm just curious though how could Roxas help I thought he became apart of Sora again.
  6. Hi I'm Excalibur0123 I'm just a guy who loves KH and video games in general. Ok see ya around :yaoming:
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