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Giovanny Dalpiaz

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About Giovanny Dalpiaz

  • Birthday 10/19/1985

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  • Member Title
    my what hurts?
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  1. i finally have a keyblade!!!

    1. replika13


      it seems everyone has one on these days

    2. Giovanny Dalpiaz

      Giovanny Dalpiaz

      it was my bday gift to myself and it only took 1.5 month to get to me


  2. yay i just bought a kingdom keyblade :D

    1. CloakedSchemerX


      Metal or wooden? My cousin can make awesome wood ones. (paint too of course). When we were all kids, we'd use them to fight eachother. (I had Kingdom Key D! I was awesome as Mickey...)

    2. Giovanny Dalpiaz

      Giovanny Dalpiaz

      cosplay, the metal and the wooden ones arent very detailed, and thats what i wanted, the detail


  3. yay i just bought a kingdom keyblade :D

  4. i own all the titles, just not CoM for the gba, nor the final mixes, other than that, then yes
  5. the winds of war are blowing

  6. is it just me, or does anyone suffer from multiple orgasms while playing 3d, ive had visual, musical, and just tingles thru out my whole body, is that normal or am i just a nerd? :)

    1. VanitasisKirby


      ... I haven't experienced anything like that. Unless if you count headaches from having the 3D on too much.

  7. the closer we get to the date the slower time becomes...UUUUUUUUGH!!!!! 7/31 get here now!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      I know! Let's just wait.

    3. Giovanny Dalpiaz

      Giovanny Dalpiaz

      oh, i was thinking on like frozen sleep or something....but i guess waiting is the only thing can really do.....*depression sets in*


    4. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      frozen sleep would suck. i'd lose my job, miss 2 months worth of stuff, all for a game? lol KH is good, but not that good, but not that good.

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