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Everything posted by Shazzam

  1. Highschool nickname... and this fellow.
  2. Stupid Johnny Test. Why has it been on for so damn long?!
  3. Dammit Zoro...

  4. Man, if a more mature anime can get us some consistency, I'm all for it.
  5. No I've never heard of him, but I've just recently got into Thatguywithglasses' reviews so I'll give this guy a shot.
  6. Just play games. Is that too much to ask fanboys? Just play games.
  7. With all due respect to your opinion and the nature of this thread, Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong that night and did not deserve to be stalked and murdered. He wasn't perfect, but who is. People don't deserve to die based on stupid mistakes they make when they're young, especially when those mistakes have nothing to do with the said situation. The legal system worked for Zimmerman, but not for Trayvon: the actual victm in this tragedy.
  8. You know what I think is killing comedy: unoriginality.
  9. I keep forgeting its an HD remaster. Just beautiful!
  10. I'm about to start eating alot more to pack on muscle. I think I'm a little too skinny for my age...
  11. I really hate that they teased us with a title and concept when they weren't positive it could come to fruition. If by chance it were to be made, I personally would like to see a game in the style of BbS where there are multiple stories in which Kairi and Mickey are playable.
  12. Book 2 Trailer Season 2 coming this September!
  13. On a Korra high! Book 2 releases this September!!!

    1. Shazzam


      Lol, I can't stand Makorra

    2. VisitJoan


      Too bad. It's cannon now. ;)

    3. Shazzam


      Grrr we'll see how long it lasts xD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. I've never played PiT but that's the way I looked at it when I played Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
  15. Lol I'm embarrased to have to ask this since I should probably know this but how do you use spoiler tags.

  16. Totally agree. Hope we can see something in KH3 that incorporates more than one game's playstyle.
  17. I actually enjoyed the Fishman Island arc. Coming out of the time skip I can see why people wouldn't care for it, but I found it entertaining. I liked the backstory for Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger, though it moved a little slow in some parts. It was business as usual in the One Piece fashion, so I guess thats why I didn't have a problem with it. I think my least favorite arc is the Skypeia arc, but I think that's just because I first saw it through the 4kids dub, and it was just going sooo slow. I just recently caught all the way up to One Piece, but that arc just didn't do it for me, though Luffy's fight with Enel was pretty cool.
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