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Everything posted by Marzuki

  1. Lol thats a great idea Would love to see Aladar the Iguanodon from Dinosaur~ God that would be great as a world/summon
  2. The only thing I noticed that takes awhile to load were the form Drives~ They seemed longer and so are the D-Link ones too for me at least~
  3. It would be awesome if they had that in KH3, The Lion King world was my most favorite world in KH2!
  4. Im a member on Deviantart and I color lineart, one of my works showing Sora in Limit Form with his two pals, just in time for the HD Remix 2.5 Hope ya'll like it! lineart- Kimbolie12 Coloring- Me
  5. I love Limit Form, I think it would be pretty sweet to revisit an old outfit and those abilities we loved in KH1, can't wait to use it!
  6. I couldn't possible care about the voice acting as long as it's a great game, and KH is a great game
  7. Read the final chapters of Naruto, it was beautiful

  8. (Maybe they simply forgot, I didn't I was waiting for someone to respond
  9. (I thought after I responded they would come back>

  11. Lol I posted the same picture It would be amazing to see the Naruto characters in a Ginal Fantasy type game
  12. "C-Claris.... What's happening?" She asked her sister, this all seemed to much to comprehend in her head
  13. "SIS!" Maria was shocked at what had happened a few seconds ago, she wanted to move but couldn't, she was too overwhelmed and shocked at what had happened.
  14. "O-ok sis..." She quickly ran inside and hid but peaked out through a window, "Please be careful!"
  15. Maria was shocked at the sudden violence about to happen, "Master Fredrick?! Who is that? I haven't seen him around here?!" She slit sly hid behind her sister, but from making herself not look weak she peaked her head out.
  16. Maria Smiled as she ran to go see her dear sister, she entered the meditation place, seeing Claris and Fredrick getting ready for a practice run she ran up to Claris and hugged her sister tight "Sis! Hey are you getting ready to train again? I hope Master Fredrick isn't too hard on you." She smiled softly at Fredrick and Claris.
  17. Username:Marzuki Name: Maria Farron Age: 16 Role: The Avatars sister Bending element: firebender (but doesn't know much about it) Family: non-bending mother (deceased), firebending father (deceased), Claris Farron Backstory: Claris Farron's sister, Maria always thought of her sister as the tough one out of the two of them. Although she also has firebending like her sister, she doesn't use it quite often, only if she certainly must do so. She's thankful for Claris, ever since their parents death she's been like a mother to her, so even though she knows being the Avatar will be a tough and painful journey for her sister, she will always support her Theme music: http://m.youtube.com/results?q=xion's%20theme&sm=1 Appearance: https://www.google.com/search?q=serah+farron&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=QbQcU5HMBMuukAfJ9YDwCw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1024&bih=660#facrc=_&imgrc=AQDGpTAbiHN-zM%253A%3Bxp32tjjIkgqb6M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimg1.wikia.nocookie.net%252F__cb20111229124341%252Ffinalfantasy%252Fimages%252Ff%252Ffc%252FSerah_Farron_Alt_Render.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffinalfantasy.wikia.com%252Fwiki%252FSerah_Farron%3B1398%3B1850 Firebending! Is this good?
  18. THATS SO COOL!!!!! And if I had to choose one I think Frozen would win it, I didn't really like Tangled and I thought Frozen was gonna be the same, but then I watched it and was like "THIS SHIT IS AMAZING!" And I think it would make much more sense for it to be in the KH universe in my opinion.
  19. Alright then do I have to redo it over?
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